A Complete Guide to Use Oxygen Bleach

Oxygen bleach is one of the most versatile equipment used in wash and fold laundry. The main reason behind that is the bleach is less harmful and has less side effects. Bleach is usually a very dangerous product that can be used for cleaning clothes and removing strong stains. It also sometimes leaves a very strong caustic odor on your clothes.

But that is not the case with oxygen bleach. It is completely odorless and has close to no side effects on your hand. That is why it has recently become very popular among the wash and fold laundry service providers in OKC. For that reason, we decided to tell you a little about this amazing laundry item.

What Makes Oxygen Bleach Different from Regular Bleach?

Oxygenated bleach, popularly known as oxygen bleach can remove stains and whiten clothes with similar proficiency as regular bleach. But there are no toxic drawbacks that are seen with the usage of regular bleach.

How to Use Oxygen Bleach?

You now know a bit about oxygen bleach. Now the time has come that you understand how it is applied on the clothes.

● The first step of applying oxygen bleach is sorting. You will have to read and find out if your clothes can be bleached or not. Remember, oxygen bleach has no side effects for human skin. But that is not the case for the clothes. If any certain cloth is instructed not to bleach, you have to follow the instructions for that.

● After that, you will have to put one tablespoon of bleach directly into the washing machine once you have arranged all the clothes you want to bleach and put it into the machine.

● You can also add some extra bleach powder depending on the dirtiness of the clothes you are trying to remove.

● After that all you have to do is wash the clothes properly. Though it can be easily done by using cold water, it is recommended that you use warm or hot water as they work much better with bleach.

This process can be used for general washing. But if you have any strong stain that needs to be taken care of, the process is a bit different.

● At first about 16 ounces of warm or hot water is to be mixed with ½ tablespoons of oxygen bleach. But do not try to keep it in any sort of airtight container. The main reason behind that is the bleach starts releasing oxygen once the water hits it. So keeping it in an airtight container might cause it to explode.

● Next, the solution has to be applied directly on the stain.

● The next step involves a bit of waiting. You would have to wait a few minutes after putting the solution. This will give the solution the time required for cleaning and removing the stain.

● After that the clothes can be cleaned normally.

Save the Hassle with King’s Green Cleaning

If you have properly read the article, it should not be difficult for you to apply bleach on your clothes. But if you do not want to clean the clothes by yourself, then King’s Green Cleaning is here for you. We are one of the leading wash and fold laundry service providers in all of OKC. If you leave your clothes with them, you can rest assured that they are in good hands. So make your call now and book your laundry service today.


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