Frequently Asked Questions About Laundry That You Don’t Know Yet

Most people gather the dirty clothes until they pile up and get it all done quickly. It is extremely tempting to fill the washing machine to the brim and hope for clean clothes at the end. Though running the laundry with full loads is energy efficient, at the same time, overfilling is not good at all. But you may wonder how to measure the full load.

In this article, we have shared a few tips on measuring laundry and also discussed a few facts that you don’t know yet. But many of us don't have time to wash our staff, but they need to wear clean clothes regularly. In that case, you can hire a professional wash and fold laundry company in OKC to save your precious time.

How Much Does Laundry Take Up?

Generally, the laundry bucket feels heavy but most of the items can fit in a single load. On average, you may wash clothes between six to 18 pounds of laundry based on the size of your washer. The following are:

● Top-loading medium-capacity washers hold seven to eight pounds

● Top-loading low-capacity washers hold six pounds

● Front-loading washing machine can hold up to 18 pounds

● Top-loading large washers hold between 10–12 pounds

Nowadays, the washing machine manufacturers offer more wash cycles to fulfill the requirements of the customers based on the size of the load, the fabric and how dirty those are. Generally, normal wash cycles take 50 to 60 minutes whereas delicate wash cycles require 45–80 minutes and quick wash cycles continue for 15–50 minutes.

How Many Towels Can You Wash In One Load?

Knowing the loading size of the washing machine can help you to measure easily. Normally, a small towel weighs approx. a half pound where a large towel is one and a half pounds. If you hire a wash and fold laundry to wash your clothes, then you don’t have to worry about it. They will wash those by measuring properly.

How Much Laundry Can You Put in a Top Loader?

The loading size varies in every type of washing machine. In general, top-loaded washing machines are not larger compared to front-loaded machines. Therefore, the full load can be around 12 pounds of laundry. You should check the capacity of the washing machine for the exact amount.

You Leave It. We Clean It

The biggest advantage of using a washing machine is once you have put the clothes in the washer, you can utilize the time by doing something. Either you can walk with your family member or just sit down and enjoy watching comedy web series like ‘Friends’ or ‘The Office’.

But if you don’t want to multitask and complicate things unnecessarily, then hire any wash and fold laundry company immediately. You can also call us at King's Green Cleaning in OKC to get quality laundry service.


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