How Can a Detailed Cleaning Checklist Simplify Your Move?

Saying goodbye to a home can be bittersweet, but leaving it in pristine condition is a must. A clean house ensures a smooth move and a potential refund of your security deposit. Whether you're scrubbing the bathroom or tackling the kitchen, our detailed checklists cover every nook and cranny. These guides are designed for anyone moving out, even if you're not in Oklahoma City. But if you are in OKC and need a helping hand, remember that professional move-out cleaning in OKC can be a stress-free alternative. Now, let's roll up our sleeves and dive into our comprehensive cleaning checklists.

Move Out Cleaning: Bathroom Deep Clean


  • Meticulously dusted all surfaces, including furniture tops, shelves, and light fixtures.

  • Extend dusting to ceiling fans, blinds, and window sills.

  • Wipe down baseboards and crown molding to eliminate dust buildup.


  • Thoroughly vacuum carpets and rugs, focusing on high-traffic areas.

  • Utilize attachments to clean corners, edges, and under furniture.

  • Vacuum mattresses to remove dirt and dust mites.


  • Declutter the room by removing unnecessary items.

  • Organize belongings and clear out closets and drawers.

  • Tidy up bedside tables, desks, and other surfaces.

Cleaning Bedding:

  • Wash and replace bed linens, including sheets, pillowcases, and duvet covers.

  • Perform thorough cleaning of pillows and mattress covers, either by vacuuming or washing.

  • Sanitize the mattress with a fabric freshener or mild detergent spray.

Windows and Mirrors:

  • Clean windows and mirrors with a glass cleaner for a streak-free finish.

  • Address window tracks and frames, removing dirt and dust.


  • For hard flooring, sweep or vacuum to remove debris.

  • Mop or use a suitable cleaner for a thorough cleaning.

  • Double-check corners and edges for any remaining dirt.

By following this comprehensive move-out cleaning checklist, you can ensure that your bedrooms are left in impeccable condition.

Move Out Cleaning: Bathroom Deep Clean Checklist

Cleaning Sinks:

  • Clear the sink area of all personal items.

  • Wipe down the sink, faucet, and handles with an all-purpose cleaner.

  • Clean the drain, removing any hair or debris.

  • Polish sink fixtures for a shiny finish.

  • Wipe down the countertop.

Scrubbing Showers and Bathtubs:

  • Remove personal items from the shower or bathtub.

  • Spray bathroom cleaner on walls, floor, and fixtures.

  • Thoroughly scrub surfaces with a brush or sponge, paying attention to soap scum, mold, and mildew.

  • Rinse surfaces and dry with a clean cloth.

Toilet Cleaning:

  • Apply toilet cleaner inside the bowl and let it sit.

  • Clean the seat, tank, and exterior with antibacterial cleaner.

  • Scrub the bowl with a toilet brush, focusing on the rim and under the seat.

  • Flush and wipe away any remaining cleaner.

Cleaning Tiles and Grout:

  • Spray tile and grout cleaner on walls and floor.

  • Scrub tiles and grout lines with a brush or sponge.

  • Rinse surfaces and wipe dry.

  • Use a grout whitening product if necessary to restore color.

Cleaning Mirrors and Windows:

  • Spray glass cleaner on mirrors and windows.

  • Wipe with a clean microfiber cloth or newspaper.

  • Ensure a crystal-clear finish, free of streaks and smudges.

Other Tasks:

  • Clean bathroom cabinets and drawers, inside and out.

  • Dust and wipe down light fixtures and vents.

  • Clean the bathroom floor, including corners and baseboards.

By following this thorough move-out cleaning checklist, you can leave your bathroom sparkling and increase your chances of receiving your security deposit back.

Move Out Cleaning: Kitchen Deep Clean Checklist

Clear Out & Organize:

  • Empty and clean the refrigerator, freezer, and pantry. Dispose of expired items.

  • Remove all cookware, utensils, and dishes from cabinets and drawers.

  • Wipe down and organize cabinets and drawers, discarding unneeded items.

Clean Appliances:

  • Disconnect and clean the oven, stovetop, and range hood, removing grease buildup.

  • Clean the microwave inside and out, eliminating stains and food residue.

  • Wipe down the dishwasher, inside, outside, and door. Run a cleaning cycle with dishwasher cleaner.

  • Clean the refrigerator inside and out, removing spills and stains.

Scrub Countertops & Sink:

  • Clear off countertops and remove appliances.

  • Thoroughly clean countertops with a surface-appropriate cleaner.

  • Disinfect and polish the sink, removing stains and mineral deposits.

Address Cabinets & Drawers:

  • Empty and wipe down cabinets and drawers, inside and out.

  • Clean cabinet and drawer handles or knobs.

  • Use a suitable cleaner for wooden cabinets.

Focus on Floors & Walls:

  • Sweep or vacuum the kitchen floor to remove debris.

  • Mop the floor with a suitable cleaner, paying attention to corners and edges.

  • Clean walls, removing splatters and stains.

This detailed move-out cleaning checklist will help you leave a spotless kitchen and ensure a seamless transition.

Leave The Cleaning To Us!

Moving can be overwhelming, but ensuring a spotless home doesn't have to be. If the thought of deep cleaning feels like a burden, King's Green Cleaning in OKC is here to help. Don't let cleaning stress add to your moving worries. Contact us for a hassle-free move-out cleaning in OKC.


How Can You Ensure a Spotless Move-Out Experience? Part- 2


How to Create an Effective Cleaning Schedule for Busy Lives?