Never Mix These Home Cleaning Products to Ensure Safety

The cleaning of a home is a very detailed and long process. Whether you do it yourself or call in for maid services, you may require several cleaning products throughout this process. All of these products have their dedicated purposes and benefits. But you may have to face backlashes if you are not careful while handling them and mixing them with other cleaning products.

This article will tell you about certain home cleaning products that should never be mixed. This will help you continue cleaning your home as safely as possible.

Cleaning Products That You Must Not Mix

Bleach and Vinegar

Bleach is a great home cleaning product that helps you get rid of mold, while vinegar aids in cleaning the countertops and the sinks of the kitchen. But if you mix these two cleaning products, chlorine gas is generated as a reaction. The gas is extremely dangerous for your eyes, nose, and lungs. So mixing them could cause burning or sting in the above-mentioned body parts.

Drain Cleaner and Bleach

Even if you do not like the smell of your drain cleaners, do not think of pouring bleach down the pipes right after pouring the drain cleaner. If you do that, the reactions would rapidly generate gasses that are dangerous for your health. And as your pipes are not large enough for the gasses, they will get back into your bathroom. And if you inhale those gasses, you may damage your organs. That is why cleaning service providers recommend you avoid this combo.

Rubbing Alcohol and Bleach

Bleach and rubbing alcohol are both great options if you want to relieve your countertop from stubborn spots. But never think about teaming them up, even if you have a stain on your counter that is as stubborn as a mountain. If you mix these with cleaning products, it generates chloroform, which is a very dangerous chemical. If this chemical comes in direct contact with your skin or eyes, it can permanently damage them.

Ammonia and Bleach

You must have noticed that bleach is not much of a team worker. You cannot mix it with several other products as it creates a dangerous chemical from the reaction. Ammonia is not an exception. Mixing ammonia with bleach generates a gas called chloramine that can cause serious breathing problems.

Baking soda and Vinegar

This one may go against your belief, as you have seen in a thousand cleaning videos, that baking soda and vinegar are dynamic duos that clean almost anything. What you have heard is a fact approved by several maid service professionals. But the problem with this combo is that it generates a lot of gas in a matter of seconds. That is why, if you combine these two cleaning products and keep them in a closed container, it may crack the container through the sheer pressure of that gas.

The Best Place to Get Maid Service in Edmond, OK

If you do not mix these cleaning products, you will be safe from cleaning hazards. But how will you avoid the load of cleaning your home? We have a solution for that as well.

Pick up your phone and call us now to get the best maid services in Edmond, OK, from the professionals of King’s Green Cleaning. The sooner you call, the sooner you will be relieved of your work. Also, you don’t have to be in a risk of getting attacked by harmful gases unintentionally.


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