Removing Food Color from Clothes: The Complete Process

In the ages of packaged food, food colors have become very common. It is a type of dye that is not harmful to be consumed orally. They are used in foods to make them more vibrant and beautiful.

But, while they make the food look good, even one drop of it can ruin the looks of your clothes. At times like this, you will need help from professional laundry experts to deal with such stubborn stains. But have you wondered how they go through the whole process? Let us find out more about it.

The Step-by-Step Process How Laundry Services Removes Food Color from Clothes

If you follow these steps down to every last detail, even you will be able to remove food colors from your clothes.

Step 1: Blott

Blotting is the first step in removing food dye from your clothes. You can do this by pressing a napkin or a kitchen towel on top of the cloth. This will soak all the excess food colors from the clothing article.

Step 2: Rinse

If you hold the piece of cloth under cold and running water from the opposite side, most of the food dye stuck on it will go away. This will make your cleaning job easier than ever.

Step 3: Use Detergent

The third step is when detergent enters the game. Here you have to apply the detergent on the wet clothing and rub it where the stain is. You can use soft-bristled, or moderately firm bristled brushes to apply the detergent. This will help you even more to remove the stains.

Step 4: Wait

Once the detergent is applied to the stains, you must be patient. Leave the cloth as it is for at least 15 minutes. Let the detergent work and pull out all the color dye from the clothing.

Step 5: Rinse Again

Now that the stain is almost removed from the clothing, you just have to rinse it again. This should be enough to clean the stains from your clothing. But if you still find the remains of food dye on your clothing, just go through the process again.

The Necessity of Laundry Service

The process we mentioned above should be able to guide you to clean your stained clothes yourselves. But then, what are the necessities of laundry professionals in such jobs? We can find the answer to this question from our regular lifestyle.

Our lifestyle has become very busy and fast-paced in the twenty-first century. Now we do not have time for these lengthy chores. That is why we seek help from professionals, get the job done at a reasonable price, and save time in exchange.

Kings Cleaning: The Pros You Need

If you have properly read the article, it should be clear to you how long the process is and how a professional cleaning service can save you some time in exchange for some money. So what are you waiting for? Contact the best professional laundry in Edmond, OK, by calling King’s Green Cleaning. Not only will they save you time, but they will do their best to clean the clothes without damaging them.


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