Some Common Questions About Doing Laundry

Here they are, the questions about your dirty clothes. You need good products for your clothes to get them cleaned properly. If you use harmful chemicals on your clothes, then they can get damaged badly. You have to clean it while keeping it in the best shape. Many contradictory instructions are written everywhere about laundry washing, especially if it is a delicate fabric.

People spend a lot of time doing their laundry, not knowing how to cut the time short. The best way to save time and clean your clothes properly is by giving them to a laundry service in Oklahoma City. This article discusses some commonly asked questions about doing your laundry.

What Are Some Common Laundry Mistakes?

Most people have discussed some of the laundry mistakes they have made. This has caused damage to their clothes. The best solution is to hire a laundry service for such errors. Some of those mistakes are:

  • Over scrubbing stains

  • Avoiding permanent press setting

  • Not sorting clothes properly

  • Washing an item that was meant for dry cleaning

  • Not cleaning the washing machine

  • Not unbuttoning the shirts

  • Using too much detergent

  • Over drying clothes

Can You Wash Clothes That are Meant for Dry Cleaning?

The clothes that have the instruction of dry cleaning at the bottom should not be washed at home. If there is some care instruction provided at the back, you can attempt to wash it yourself. You can try a home dry cleaning kit, but make sure that you follow all the instructions written on the back. This will help you to prevent any damage to your clothes. The best thing to do with such clothes is to give them to a good laundry service.

How to Pre-Treat Stains and Odor?

Here pre-treating means handling the stains and odor before you put the clothes in the wash. This is the best approach as it gives more effective results. Some stains are adamant about getting out of the cloth, especially during the hot drying cycle.

The professionals from the laundry service know the proper process to remove the odor and stains from your clothes. If you want to do it yourself, you can use enzyme-based detergents and let them sit in the wash for some time. Vinegar and baking soda are the best old-fashioned ways to get the stains out of your clothes.

How Can You Find the Best Detergent?

You have to check the ingredient list to check for fillers, fragrances, and other toxic chemicals. You cannot use a detergent that has too many chemicals in it. Laundry services know what detergent is suitable for your clothes, so opting for that is the best choice.

Get the Best to Wash Your Clothes

At KingSpin Laundry Services, we have had the best and most experienced professionals in this field for a long time. All your clothes will be delivered within 24 to 48 hours. Call to schedule your pick-up.


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