Airbnb Cleaning Service Guest User Airbnb Cleaning Service Guest User

Airbnb Cleaning Charges: The Underlying Factors

Owning an Airbnb rental can make the cleaning process quite challenging. As maintaining rental properties is a crucial task, you must look for an ideal Airbnb cleaning service in OKC by keeping in mind all the essential factors.

Average Cleaning Charges

An average fee of $40 to $80 is charged on Airbnb. However, the actual price may vary. With a wide spectrum of listings ranging from smaller rooms in shared homes to luxurious mansions having more than 10 rooms, an accurate average cannot be found. You can find an average by comparing the cleaning fees of similar listings within your region.

Understanding the Process

A one-time cleaning charge gets added to the cost of listing for covering the cleaning expenses. This fee needs to be paid by the guest. Note that it is not a security deposit.

Here are some charges that can be considered in the cleaning fee:

  • Washing and drying linen/towels.

  • Cleaning the items.

  • Cost of soap, shampoo, etc.

  • Toilet rolls.

Cost of Hiring an Airbnb Cleaning Service

This cleaning fee is divided by the number of nights to give a nightly rate. However, you should not worry as the cleaning charge and the nightly rate are displayed separately.

Factors to Consider

Here are a few factors that must be considered while charging a cleaning fee from your guest:

  • Kind of Property

Branding plays a key role in deciding the price. For example, luxurious rentals are expected to charge higher prices because of additional maintenance. This can be considered reasonable by your guests. As they get their expectations met, a higher fee can be charged.

  • Size of the Unit

This is one of the most important factors. Sometimes, a cleaning fee may be charged depending solely on the unit size. A bigger space demands more resources and time. You should also consider the number of rooms while deciding on the cost.

  • Budget of the Guest

Make sure that the price you charge should be reasonable for your target audience. You must learn more about the people who tend to engage with your business. It also relies on the region, type of property, and competitors. These 3 considerations can help meet the budget of your target market.

  • Location

You must aim to decide your cleaning charge depending on the location of the unit. This helps your guests to evaluate the budget accordingly.

Efficient Rental Cleaning

Looking for an ideal Airbnb cleaning service in OKC? King’s Green Cleaning is here for you! We believe in providing the most reliable and eco-friendly vacation rental services to our clients. Let us assist you in growing your business.

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