Airbnb Cleaning Service Guest User Airbnb Cleaning Service Guest User

A Handful of Airbnb Cleaning Tips

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So you've signed up as an Airbnb host, taken a ton of fantastic Airbnb images, and figured out how to make the most of Airbnb SEO. Congratulations on putting in the effort to obtain a listing! It's time to consider what will happen when your first satisfied customers leave. What methods do you use to keep your Airbnb clean? Do you hire any Airbnb cleaning service? It's preferable if you figure out your plan as soon as possible. After all, the sooner you tidy up your Airbnb listing, the sooner your next guests can arrive.

Cleaning Tips for Airbnb: Do It Yourself

Cleaning your property on your own can be the ideal option if you have a small Airbnb rental and only need to replace the bedding and towels. Cleaning your Airbnb should be straightforward as long as you keep up with it week after week. This method also saves money and allows you to maintain track of your listing.

Make a cleaning checklist for your Airbnb to ensure that you don't overlook anything while you're working.


Opening the windows is the first step in cleaning your residence. This will get rid of any scents left over from earlier visitors. Proper ventilation in your flat on a regular basis will help destroy microorganisms and maintain excellent air quality. Did you realize that the air inside your home is often more polluted than the air outside? Yikes!

Hunting for Dust

Dust can be found almost anywhere. Make a point of cleaning every nook and cranny you can. Cleaning in a ‘top-down' manner, beginning with the tallest corner or furniture and ending on the floor, will effectively remove the most dust particles.

There will be no garbage

This may sound self-evident, but you'd be amazed how often hosts overlook it. Remove trash from trash cans in the kitchen, bathroom, and rooms (and anywhere else there is a trash can) and disinfect them to eliminate odors.

Make the kitchen spotless

Cleaning the kitchen is essential, but many people overlook the refrigerator. Always remember to open the refrigerator, toss out the contents, and clean it. No one likes to enter the fridge in search of a fast bite only to find a week-old salad! Leaving tea bags inside the refrigerator to eliminate unpleasant odors is a simple way to get a nice smelling refrigerator.

As you can see, cleaning your Airbnb is no easy work, but if you do a fantastic job, you'll get rave feedback from your guests. If you're short on time, our stand-alone Airbnb cleaning service at King’s Green Cleaning Service can help you get your accommodation in tip-top shape for your next visitor!

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