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6 Benefits of Hiring a Bi-weekly Cleaning Services

It can be difficult to decide how often you want your cleaning service to come out. Apartment cleaning services can be scheduled on a weekly, biweekly, every three weeks, or monthly basis at King’s Cleaning in OKC. If you want to choose the optimum frequency for your way of life, you should not only think about your money. Another factor to take into consideration is how quickly filth and grime accumulate in your home, as well as your personal time commitments. Here are four good reasons to use cleaning services every two weeks instead of every week.

The Frequency Of The Service Is Excessive

We're firm believers in attending church on a weekly basis. It's something we've discussed in the past. If you want to keep your house in tip-top shape, this is the best method to do it. Between sessions, your house will constantly be clean and require little maintenance on your part. Many people, however, find it difficult to commit to a weekly worship experience. Some folks simply do not have the time or inclination to host guests even on a weekly basis. Some folks are unable to afford a once-weekly church service. People who don't have children (or dogs) don't make as much of a mess as those who do.

Having A Cleaning Service Come In Every Two Weeks Helps Maintain Houses Healthy

With biweekly service, things will probably not be as clean as they are with weekly service. Cleaning services twice a week are still quite successful at removing dust and pet dander, which are major sources of allergens in the home.

  • Dust is removed from surfaces and the air when it is dusted on a regular basis and thoroughly.

  • Instead of kicking dust into the air, our cleaning specialists utilize soft microfiber towels to capture and remove it from furniture surfaces.

  • Pet dander and dust may be removed from your home by vacuuming carpeted areas on a regular basis to prevent them from being kicked up into the air.

When Compared To A Monthly Service, Your Workload Is Lighter Between Cleanings

It's also less work to use a biweekly cleaning service than a monthly one because you don't have to worry about maintenance in between cleanings. In order to prevent soap scum and grease from slowly building in your restrooms and kitchen, schedule cleanings every two weeks. This way, you won't have to scrape out your bathtub or scour your stovetop in between cleanings. In contrast, monthly cleaning services often necessitate a little more effort on your side between visits–regardless of how clean your house is.

Weekly Service Is More Expensive In The Long Run Than Biweekly Service

While having your home cleaned once a month is less expensive, having it cleaned twice a week gets you the most bang for your buck. You save money by using the cleaning frequency discount. You'll also have more time to do the things that are essential to you now that you're spending less time cleaning your house, which makes your cleanings even more valuable.

Services That Are Most Important To You Can Be Selected

We at King’s Green Cleaning understand that no two homes are the same. Because of this, we provide service plans that may be fully customized to meet your specific requirements. Select which rooms to clean, which ones to skip, and what responsibilities each room has to fulfil. Our skilled estimators will work closely with you to create a plan that is unique to your needs and wants. To begin with our apartment cleaning service, please get in touch with us right away.

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