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Clean Stainless Steel Kitchen Surfaces with Us! - Clean Kitchens, Happy Kitchens

Stainless steel is primarily used in kitchens. Apart from the smooth, shiny finish of the surface, stainless steel is preferred in kitchens because it is relatively easy to clean. With a little elbow grease, proper instructions, and our deep cleaning services your stainless steel kitchen appliances should look as good as new.

If you have a little DIY operation on your mind, we can help you with the following tips.

Tips to Clean Stainless Steel

  • Prepare a mild solution of warm water and dish detergent. Wet a microfiber towel with the cleaning mixture. Make sure the detergent of your choice has degreasing properties. Wipe the stainless steel surface and then go over with another dry microfiber cloth to prevent water spots.

  • For spilled oil and food smudges, you will need to prepare a paste of baking soda mixed in warm water. Gently apply over the oil or food stain and rub along the grain of the metal. Let the paste sit for a minute, then wipe away with a wet dish cloth. Dry with a clean towel.

  • Bottle some distilled white vinegar in a spray bottle and spritz it onto the appliance. Get a clean microfiber towel and gently wipe along the direction of the metal’s grain to get rid of stains. If you happen upon a particularly stubborn spot, increase pressure and rub in circular motions until the stain comes off.

    Some people also swear by using olive oil to prevent streaks when working with the grain. Put a tiny amount of olive oil on the stainless steel and wipe to produce a shiny, new-like finish.

  • You can also spray club soda on the stainless steel surface and wipe it clean with a microfiber towel. Make sure you rub the towel along the grain of the metal to prevent streaking.

  • Never use steel wool or brushes to clean stainless steel. The abrasive material scratches the surface, dulling its shine in the process. Avoid using chlorine-based cleaning solutions in addition to glass cleaners and furniture polish.

How Often Should One Clean Stainless Steel?

Stainless steel surfaces and appliances should be cleaned at least once every month. It also depends on how many people use the kitchen. If you have kids, you might need to clean the steel more often since kids tend to be messier.

For some, it might be difficult to dedicate an entire day, each month to cleaning. In such cases, you can space out the cleaning tasks. Store the cleaning solution and towels somewhere easily accessible and do a quick cleaning job whenever you have a few minutes to spare. You can also schedule deep cleaning services with King’s Green Cleaning.

Our cleaning services can be availed for both residential and commercial properties. At King’s Green Cleaning, the team takes great care to adhere to eco-friendly cleaning standards. We serve the property owners of the greater OKC metro area. To reach out to us for an appointment simply visit our website.

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3 Expert Tips for Cleaning Mirrors without Leaving Streaks

Mirror, mirror on the wall, who’s the fairest of them all?

Only, we are fairly certain the wicked queen’s mirror didn’t have greasy streaks on it.

We will cut you some slack though, we know how difficult polishing a mirror can be. Especially without the right cleaning methods.

Our deep cleaning services team came up with this little guide to polishing mirrors without leaving unsightly streaks on them.

Tip No. 1 - Avoid Soaps with Scents and Dyes

It is easy to get carried away by plush-smelling cleaners, but remember that the fewer chemical additives a solution has, the more likely it is to be a good cleaning agent for glass. Since fragrances, dyes, and most other toxins do not wipe away or dissolve in moisture, they leave streaky residue behind. You can use a white vinegar solution for light cleaning or opt for commercial cleaning solutions for more pronounced results.

Tip No. 2 - Always Spot Clean, Never Scrub

Before you wipe the entire surface, concentrate your efforts on areas with tougher spots. When you are working on a stubborn piece of gunk, avoid getting heavy-handed. Do not scrub or press too hard on the surface. The abrasion will scratch at the surface of the glass and make it appear foggy over time.

Instead, you should try to spray the cleaner on the spot and let it sit for a minute or two. Then, gently wipe down using a microfiber cleaning towel.

Sometimes, in bathroom mirrors, the hard water can leave scaly deposits on the surface of the glass. In such cases, use a commercial glass stripper. Glass strippers are also ideal for mineral buildup, sap, tar, and grime. Follow the same technique with a glass stripper and you will be left with shiny, polished mirrors.

Tip No. 3 - Microfiber Towels Are the Way to Go

Many people use old teeshirts and discarded rags to clean mirrors, but these do more harm than good. The cloth can leave lint on the surface of the glass. Even if there is no lint, normal cloth does not absorb the impurities, as well as microfiber, does. Microfiber cleaning towels absorb the cleaning solution as well as the grime and dirt from the glass. However, never clean your microfiber cloth with detergents containing fabric softeners. The softening chemical is left behind on the fabric and will cause streaks when cleaning glass with it.

Bonus tip - If you do not have microfiber cloth lying around, our deep cleaning service team recommends newspapers as a great DIY alternative. Newspapers do not leave lint but take care to not get it too soggy lest the paper’s fibers start coming off.

Mirrors That Are Shinier than Diamonds

King’s Green Cleaning offers deep cleaning services for residential and commercial properties. Oklahoma City metro area’s favorite house cleaning, we take pride in our immaculate attention to detail and quality results. Our cleaning solutions are also eco-friendly and environmentally conscious. For more details on King’s Green Cleaning’s services, find our website online.

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Importance of Cleaning Services in Medical Facilities

Medical professionals play a major role in securing the health and well-being of patients. For long-term success in medical practice, patient satisfaction is a crucial factor. This is where deep cleaning services in OKC become unavoidable.

Patients going to a health facility expect the place to be clean and free from disease-causing pathogens and germs. An untidy space generally leaves a negative impression on their minds.

Once you get to know the importance of cleanliness, you will not hesitate to go beyond basic cleaning. Some of these include:

  • Amazing First Impression

The appearance of your health facility is an essential part of your public image. The first thing that your visitors notice while entering the facility is how clean it looks. They usually pay attention to minute details such as the sparkle of the bathroom, the shine on the floor, and the smell in the air.

Once they notice any grime, mess, trash, or clutter around, a bad impression is left. This lowers the possibility of returning visitors to your medical building. Hiring a professional cleaner in OKC can make your patients feel satisfied.

  • Safer Environment

A sanitized and well-cleaned medical facility lowers the transmission of infection among patients. This makes them feel secure and cared for and builds a stronger doctor-patient bond. So, make sure to offer the healthiest possible environment to your patients.

  • Avoiding Unwanted Exposures

Most doctors in OKC realize the necessity of sanitizing the devices along with their hands. However, equal attention must be given to the other regions of the building.

Deep cleaning services are compulsory to minimize the chances of disease. You must not avoid the patient rooms, treatment regions, and surgical areas. This ensures the complete safety of patients, staff, and visitors while visiting your building.

  • Maintaining Cleaner Facilities

As ill patients keep coming and going, a periodic spot cleaning won’t be enough. A professional team uses appropriate techniques and products to maintain the cleanliness of the building.

This is important to get rid of harmful germs that can intensify the sickness of patients. High-touch surfaces, patient areas, and high-traffic regions must be regularly cleaned and sanitized.

  • Improves Profitability

Better patient satisfaction is directly linked to the growth of your business. As cleaner facilities form a pleasant first impression, visitors are more likely to show up again when the need arises.

When Cleaning Meets Satisfaction

King’s Green Cleaning offers one of the most reliable deep cleaning services in OKC. With our exceptionally talented professionals, we make sure that your cleaning needs are met. Know more about our services by exploring our website.

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The 6 Step Deep Cleaning Journey for A Bathroom That Brings Joy

Deep cleaning a bathroom is free therapy. In our opinion, every joy in the world pales in comparison to the sheer satisfaction you get showering in a spotless bathroom. However, cleaning a bathroom is necessary for reasons other than aesthetics. The bathroom is often the breeding ground for bacteria and germs, I could give you a detailed statistic report but let’s not gross innocent readers out. Point is, a good scrubbing every once in a while is important! Whether you get down to it on your own or call deep cleaning services, there are certain steps to attaining a squeaky-clean bathroom. What are they? Find out below.

  1. Declutter Your Bathroom (Marie Kondo Way)

    Us hoarders have a hard time letting go of stuff but believe us, the 5 bottles of lotion sitting on your counter are doing you no good. If you have too many products but only end up using a few, donate the rest to a local shelter or maybe give them to a friend. Clear out empty bottles and containers. Once successfully you’ve narrowed your ungodly amounts of skincare products down to the essentials, it’s time for the next step.

  2. Wipe The Counters, Faucets, Windows, etc.

    Get a clean microfiber cloth and douse your counter, faucets, tiles, windows, etc. with an antibacterial cleaning spray. Wipe off the grease and dirt thoroughly. Go over a couple of times if notice stubborn stains.

  3. Vacuum Every Surface

    After cleaning the tiles of shower hair art, vacuum the walls to remove any remaining dirt. Next, turn your attention to the ceiling and have a go at the dust bunnies. Finally, vacuum the floor. Make sure to get all the corners.

  4. Deep Clean The Shower

    Since this area of the bathroom sees the most activity, it is a good practice to clean your shower after every use. If you don’t already do this, make a habit. Identify the areas that are most prone to mildew and apply over it a cleaning solution. Let the solution sit for 10-15 minutes before getting to scrubbing. If you get hard water at your house, you might have to use a bit of elbow grease to get rid of rust stains. Do make a note to use a specially made cleaner if you have a stone shower. After the walls and floors are done, get to the curtains/door. You can toss the curtains into the washing machine with some gentle detergent. If you find mildew or mold you can address those spots with baking soda, vinegar, or bleach. Shower doors are even simpler, wipe using a damp washcloth and mild soap to get rid of grease and water stains.

  5. Scrub The Toilet

    This is probably your least favorite part of the cleaning process, but it is a step you can’t skip. Find a good toilet cleaner and put it all over the bowl, starting from the edges. Use a sturdy scrubbing brush to thoroughly clean the surface, go under the rim, and keep scrubbing until your hands ache. Let it sit for at least 15-20 minutes before flushing. Spray a potent antibacterial cleaning liquid on the lid, toilet seat, and cistern. Use a different brush to clean it. Lastly, clean the flange and make sure to get rid of any mold that might have grown there.

  6. And Finally, Finish Off With a Generous Mopping Of the Floor

    You are nearing the end of the process. Get an old-school mop and bucket and give your floors a nice, tidy mopping.

    Voila! You are done. Remember to keep your ventilation running throughout the process, this will keep it from becoming too stuffy.

Don’t Think You Can Do It On Your Own? Call King’s Green Cleaning!

There is nothing to worry about if you don’t have the time to clean your bathroom. Or maybe, it’s the weekend and you really don’t want to spend your only free time of the week scrubbing floor tiles. Deep cleaning services at King’s Green Cleaning, Oklahoma City will make sure your bathrooms are still sparkling clean. Visit our website to request an estimate. We also have some attractive discounts for you, don’t miss out!

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Deep Cleaning Vs Standard Cleaning: Which Service Is Right For You?

If you’re familiar with cleaning companies and their working strategies, you should know that they offer numerous services. When it comes to a house cleaning, you can consider choosing either a deep cleaning service or a standard cleaning.

Without having a basic idea of these two cleaning services, it can be hard to decide which one to choose. Read on this short guide to find out the difference between deep cleaning and standard cleaning.

What’s a Standard Clean?

Compared to a deep clean, a standard clean is relatively less expensive and takes less time to complete. Typically, it focuses on performing regular cleaning tasks.

When to Decide a Standard Clean?

If you’re considering yourself to keep up with the ongoing cleaning needs, standard cleaning is the ideal option. People who are too busy or having a large family can hire a professional to perform the cleaning tasks for themselves.

What Does a Standard Clean Involve?

  1. A standard cleaning is based on your needs and schedule availability. Things it include are:

  2. Wiping down the surfaces with dust such as windows, lighting fixtures and other appliances.

  3. Cleaning and disinfecting the spaces such as office rooms, school etc.

Removing bacteria from the surfaces to avoid moisture buildup.

What’s a Deep Clean?

When it comes to deep cleaning, it’s more expensive compared to a standard cleaning. It involves a detailed attention that helps you perform an extensive list of tasks.

A deep clean is all about ensuring everything within hand-grabbing and walking distance is sanitized.

When Is Deep Cleaning Required?

Since every situation has its own needs and requirements, the best time to approach a deep cleaning service in OKC is when a new season begins. Apart from this, you can consider it if you’re planning to re-incorporate or sell your property.

Which Service Is the Right Option for You?

To answer these questions, what you need is to understand which service can help you short out all your needs. You can also consider contacting a professional company to decide which service would best fit your requirements.

Find the Right Company

Whether you need a standard or a deep clean, you should prefer contacting King’s Green Cleaning. Our professionals are skillful and have years of experience. When you choose us, we make sure all the tasks have been completed at the right time. Hire us today.

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