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The Sure-Shot Path to a Stress-Free Move: 3 Impressive Steps

The moving process requires the finishing touch of cleaning work. And that can be strenuous. Let the move out cleaning services lower the hassle.

Have you ever gone through the strenuous process of moving? We remember a few faces from OKC who went through the process. However, as they didn’t take any move out cleaning service, the work took a toll on their mental peace. Had they taken help from King’s Green Cleaning professionals, they wouldn’t have had to face such a disaster.

We know that many people in OKC, including you, want some pro guidance on a stress-free move. And hence we are here to serve you with some efficient tips and tricks. Sometimes the little steps we take in the right direction can make a huge difference. Are you ready for the revelation? Here we go!

Tip 1: The Game Starts by Stocking Up

It is helpful to start accumulating boxes and newspapers as quickly as possible. (Some people also rely on blankets and kitchen/bath towels for wrapping the fragile stuff.) Individuals living in apartments can always find newspaper piles in the lobby. Once the “moving” moment arrives, start gathering newspapers.

With websites like Kijiji or Craigslist, the box-finding work won’t be difficult. You will always get some generous people willing to distribute free boxes. And how can we forget the ultra-reliable garbage bags for moving shoes and clothing? In addition, the move out cleaning services will help make your work easier.

Tip 2: Making Space for Pro Movers

It is the moving company that can add efficiency to the process. At King’s Green Cleaning, you get the assurance of superior quality and eco-friendly cleaning services. The only requirement is to visit our website and to give us a ring.

Tip 3: Taking Help of the To-Do List

Packing involves a lot of stress-oriented work. Many a time, we have so many things to pack and move. Instead of feeling stressed, you can note the essential steps on a to-do list. It’s always better to stay organized, keeping the worries at bay. The feeling of ticking stuff off the list one at a time is so satisfying!

Heading toward the Right Approach

Although you can follow these moving tips to accomplish betterment in the process, contacting the move out cleaning companies is always beneficial. The pros will make every nook and cranny appear spotless. On the contrary, an amateur cleaner will take around two days to finish the work. Therefore, it’s better to save your valuable time by contacting expert cleaners.

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The Ultimate Move-out Cleaning Checklist

When someone moves into a new home in Oklahoma City, they need to give a security deposit to your landlord, which you can get back once you move out. The landlord can deny giving the deposit back if he finds any issue with the house they have rented to you. So, move-out cleaning is an essential part of your whole moving-out process. Moving out is a very stressful process in itself, and when cleaning comes in between, it can make it even more stressful. If a damage deposit is on the line, you want to do your best to make the house look sparkling.

Things Included in Move Out Cleaning

You have to remember that it is essential that the house look damage-free and clean regardless of who is cleaning it, you or a professional from move-out cleaning services. If you don’t know where to start, then the best solution is to check your rental or purchase agreement. Most of the time, it is mentioned in that agreement how the realtor would want their house back, and if it is not written, then you should ask them directly so that you don’t have to re-clean the entire house again. You can take the help of the professional from the move-out cleaning services to make a checklist of the cleaning that will be done.

Cleaning the Bedroom

The best move-out cleaning services start their work from to bottom because it makes the cleaning more efficient. Whether you are cleaning just one room or your whole house, this rule applies to both parts. If you have a two-story house, you should start from your top floor and work your way below. The checklist is given below:

  • Baseboard dusted

  • All surface dusted

  • Garbage emptied

  • Mirrors cleaned

  • Light switches wiped

  • Closets exteriors and interiors cleaned

  • Carpets vacuumed

  • Doorknobs and doorframes wiped

  • Marks on wall and baseboards cleaned

Cleaning for Bathroom

You have to ensure that your bathroom is dirt and grime-free before moving out of your house. The cleaner from move-out cleaning services can easily clean your bathroom because it will not have any of your linens or personal products. They are going to put some wet towels at the door and wash and clean the entire bathroom. The list includes:

  • Sink cleaned

  • Mirrors cleaned

  • All surface dusted

  • Countertops dusted and cleaned

  • Floor vacuumed and washed

Cleaning for Kitchen

This is where the cleaners from move-out cleaning services take the least amount of time as the whole place is emptied while packing. They apply cleaning solutions to all places with splatters, smells, and strains. The checklist includes:

  • Dishes washed

  • Countertops washed and cleaned

  • Baseboards dusted

  • All surface dusted

  • Floor vacuumed and cleaned

Make Your House Sparkle

King’s Green Cleaning provides professional cleaning services to everyone who needs assistance with cleaning. The cleaners provide eco-friendly house cleaning, and they will get back to you within 24 hours.

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Ways to Make Your House More Appealing to The Home Buyer

When you are trying to sell your property, the look of your home is all that matters. You have to make your house as attractive as possible for the next potential buyer. It is true that the things that the buyers are going to take into account are the location of the house, price, and design, but the cleanliness of the house cannot be denied. This might be very hard to do all on your own, so you can get help from a move out cleaning company to make the work easier. Let’s talk about how you can make your cleaning easier.

Tips on Interior Cleaning

You can make a checklist of all the things that need to be cleaned and repaired in your home before you move out.

  • Fans and Light

Move out cleaning companies can help you to clean any debris that has been accumulated over your ceiling fans and lights. They are very careful while doing this job and use clothes to wipe the light bulbs and wet towels to wipe the fans.

  • Kitchen

Everyone knows that the kitchen is the most high-cost part of your house, and it needs special care. The kitchen consists of all the electrical appliances that have to be handled with care. The professionals that come from the move out cleaning companies clean all the appliances that are going to be there and makes sure that that work properly.

  • Bedroom

Usually, the bedroom doesn’t need much cleaning, but dust, vacuum and sweep it for any surprise showings. The beds are made with clean-smelling beddings to give an elegant look of your OKC house.

  • Bathroom

Move out cleaning companies always makes sure that the bathroom smells fresh and there isn’t any mold or mildew in it. They clean all the old towels and used toiletries from your bathroom to make it look new.

Tips on Exterior Cleaning

  • Touch-ups

You have to make sure that everything that needs repair in your house is repaired before you start showing your house on the market. There are many common areas that are easily overlooked, from scratches or molds. You have to consider doing any relevant home repair if your home needs it.

  • Remove Any Signs of Pet

If you are a pet owner, then there is going to be a pet odor in your home. You have to make sure that you remove that because it can cause you to lose any potential home buyer. You can put small plants in your home to freshen up the air or use room freshener to give the house a freshening smell.

Get a Professional to Do the Cleaning

Cleaning all by yourself can be a very tiring job, and you might overlook places that need your attention. In that case, King’s Green Cleanings located in OKC can do the job for you. Call us to schedule an appointment now.

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Pro Tips For Hiring The Best Carpet Cleaning

If you are staying at a rented space or if you are planning to sell your house, you would have to carry out a move out cleaning in OKC. Move out cleaning may include junk removal, carpet cleaning, thorough house cleaning, etc. Moving out can be really stressful at times for you. You may not have an idea about where to start and where to finish. Especially, if you are trying to clean some of the items by yourself, it becomes even more stressful.

Whether you own a residential space or a commercial space, you need to make sure that the carpets are clean. Even when you are not planning to move out, you should keep the carpet clean to avoid getting allergic as carpets can trap allergens and germs.

If you are not sure that you can clean the carpet, you should opt for professional move out cleaning service. Here are a few tips that you can take a look at to find out the best carpet cleaning service provider in your area.

Experienced Cleaning Partner

Carpet cleaning is not an easy task. There is no harm in hiring a new cleaning company. But you need to hire a company that has experience in cleaning. Also, a company that has more experience as well as skilled staff who have worked in different set up. These companies will be able to evaluate your cleaning needs and offer better solution in comparison to any newly opened cleaning company.

Client Reviews

Checking for client reviews is one of the most important tips for finding out whether to hire a move out cleaningcompany or not. A company might be in business for many years, but they may not have too many happy clients. Take a look at the websites of the companies that you are planning to hire. If you see that the companies have a client review section with positive feedbacks, you know that you can trust the company with your carpet cleaning.

Type Of Products They Use

One of the most important aspects of cleaning that you may miss out is the type of cleaning product the company uses. You need to know whether the company uses environment-friendly carpet cleaning products. In case the company does not, it can cause health hazards too. Avoiding such services is always wise for you.

Make Us Your Cleaning Buddy

We, at King’s Green Cleaning take pride in the move out cleaningservice that we provide. Whether you want to clean your carpets or opt for a deep cleaning, we offer it all.

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Do You Need a Professional Cleanup After House Renovation?

You may have just been done with a renovation project. As if completing the renovation was not enough, you now have to think about cleaning the mess too. It does not matter if you have hired contractors for the renovation work or whether you have finished the project all by yourself, cleaning up after a construction work is done is hectic. You may need to hire a move out cleaning in OKC so that the service provider can help you with the process.

However, if you want to take a look at some tips because you want to cleanup after your home renovation is done, keep on reading:

Cleanup After Home Renovation

Before diving into the tips for home renovation cleaning, you need to understand the health risk that this project comes with. When you are renovating the house, there will be processes such as drilling, sawing, sanding, etc. Now, these processes produce construction dust. Construction dust can be really harmful for you as it can cause respiratory problems. Hence, it is extremely important for you to talk to a move out cleaning service provider who will clean your house as soon as the project is finished.

Here is the equipment that you will need if you are planning to start cleaning before the professional start their job:

  • Wear a personal protective equipment or PPE

  • Wear protective goggles to properly cover the eyes

  • Use N-95 mask along with the PPE

  • For handling liquids, you should definitely wear rubber gloves. However, even for dust removal, wearing work glass is recommended by the professional cleaners.

What Tools to Use?

When it comes to move out cleaning, you should have some tools handy so that the cleanup becomes easier to complete.

  • A duster or broom with long handle

  • Microfiber cloth, preferably some separate pieces for wet cleaning and dry cleaning

  • A wet-and-dry vacuum cleaner

  • Plastic sheet for protection

If you have not renovated your entire house, you will have areas that you can leave out of leaning. Seal those areas so that there is no buildup of construction dust. Now, start your move out cleaning by dusting the higher surfaces first using a long-handled broom. Starting with ceiling, dust the windowsills, windowpanes, doors, and any other elevated surface that you might have.

If you do not want to waste your time and cause back pain in cleaning up, you can simply book an appointment with Kings’s Green Cleaning and we will take care of the rest.

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