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Killer Tips & Tricks for Cleaning Windows Streak and Screens

Dirty windows disturb the aesthetics of your home. They may also give rise to various difficulties associated with energy efficiency. One of the best ways to maintain their cleanliness is by using an effective maid service in OKC. Having said that, you can clean all by yourself using the right tools, tips, and products.

If you are prepared to take this responsibility, we are ready to offer you some of the best DIY tips for maintaining the cleanliness of your windows’ streaks and screens.

Supplies You Will Need

Before getting started, you must arrange the following supplies. These are the ideal tools for the best cleaning experience.

  • House Windows (Outdoor)- Mop having a telescopic handle, a ladder, plain water, vinegar solution or hot soapy water, newspapers, microfiber cloths, bucket, and squeegee.

  • House Windows (Indoor)-Plain water, water solution with white vinegar, microfiber cloths, spray bottle or bucket, squeegee, old towels, and a newspaper.

  • Window Screens- Vacuum cleaner having a hose attachment, ladder, bucket, warm soapy water, microfiber cloths, large sponge, old towels, hose or plain water, and a newspaper.

Steps for Cleaning Windows Without Streaks

One major problem with home windows is that they get dirty and streaky very easily. Here are the steps you should follow to make the windows clear and clean from the inside.

Wait! Do you know the exact reason behind the streaks? Your cleaner must be blamed for this. Leaving a film on windows tend to make them streaky.

The speed of evaporation of your cleaning solution also gives rise to streaks. Here are the pro tips you must follow. (While cleaning the windows indoors, make sure to place some old towels below for trapping water drips and prevent any unwanted damage on your windowsills or walls).

  • Make use of alcohol-based cleaners or ammonia to minimize the chances of leaving a film on windows.

  • Excess dust or dirt needs to be eliminated using dry, clean microfiber cloths.

  • Be generous while washing the window from the top down with your cleaning solution.

  • The cleaning liquid needs to be removed using a squeegee.

Tips for Cleaning Window Screens

Relying on maid services can make things simple for you. However, if you want to do it all by yourself, these pro tips can prove to be beneficial for you.

  • Begin by removing window screens from the windows.

  • Start using a vacuum cleaner containing a hose attachment to eliminate all the debris and dirt from them.

  • Soak them in a solution of warm, soapy water for 12 to 15 minutes to loosen all the stains and dirt.

  • You can also use a large sponge for cleaning both sides.

  • Start cleaning the soap using plain water and a microfiber cloth.

  • You can use an old towel or a newspaper for drying the screens before reinstallation.

Cleaning Services for Your Comfort

If handling things on your own seem a tiresome and time-consuming process, let us assist you with our ideal maid service in OKC.

King’s Green Cleaning brings to you the best eco-friendly house cleaning experience you can ever have.

Contact Us to know more!

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