The Not-so-typical Spring Cleaning Tips

Window, Green Meadow, Spring Cleaning

Although it is officially spring, the weather is still not conducive to outdoor activities. This is indeed the perfect time to start home clean hiring professional maid service. Before the weather gets good and you want to be everywhere but indoors, make sure the indoors are squeaky clean.

  • Make a Schedule

Examine your home to see which areas require the most attention. Where do you miss during regular cleaning? Those are the most effective places to begin. Irrespective of the starting point, making a strategy will help you stay focused.

  • De-clutter

According to studies, having a messy home increases stress levels. It tells your brain that you haven't finished your job.

The health consequences of breathing in dust, coupled with the tension of returning to a cluttered workspace, can be costly. Since we are spending a lot of time indoors this is essential to keep the home clean and fresh.

  • Go from Top to Bottom

When considering how to clean the house in spring, it's important to begin at the top and work your way down. This will drive dirt downward, preventing you from having to dust or clean your room again. While using a vacuum cleaner, start by vacuuming the cobwebs and dust off your fans and ceilings.

Next clean the furniture and other things before vacuuming your floors to remove all the dust and debris. It will help you save time.

  • Attention to Walls and Windows

People almost never vacuum their floors, but they often fail to clean their walls and windows. The majority of dust does not settle on the floor or other surfaces. Wipe off the walls and blinds with a wet towel and clean the windows.

For the windows chemical cleaners are not recommended but use a steam cleaner.

  • Cleaning the Dishwasher

It's understandable that this one is ignored. Shouldn't it be able to clean itself if it cleans the dishes? Unfortunately, that is not the case. The dishwasher drain becomes clogged with food. This decreases the machine's productivity and allows odors to grow. Clean the drain by removing the dish racks.

  • Cleaning the Ice Maker

Ice, it seems, absorbs food odors. So, what about the old ice at the bottom of the bin? There's a problem. Switch off your ice maker and toss any remaining ice into the trash. Then, using warm water and vinegar or mild dish soap, clean the bin and ice maker.

  • Your computer

Not only should you clean your computer's hardware, but you should also clean your files and hard drive, as this will improve the speed and functionality of your computer. We use the keyboard the most out of all the computer hardware. If you eat near the computer, crumbs get stuck under the keys, and the keys themselves become grimy over time. While cleaning the keyboard, first you need to turn off the computer and then use compressed air for debris removal. Next, clean the keys themselves with a clean cloth, isopropyl alcohol, and a few Q-tips – wash the keys with the alcohol (not too much!), then clean in between with the Q-tip. Make sure you don't have so much liquid on your keyboard that it pools.

Do not have time for this time-consuming task? Yet need to clean the entire house? Ask us at King’s Green Cleaning Services in OKC for maid services.


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