Want a Spotless Home? Try These 14 Apartment Cleaning Tips!

Keeping your apartment clean and organized can sometimes feel like a painstaking job. However, with the right tips and tricks, you can make cleaning more manageable and efficient. Professional cleaners have mastered the art of cleaning, and they have a few secrets up their sleeves that can help you maintain a spotless living space. From clever storage solutions to effective cleaning techniques, here are 14 essential apartment cleaning tips that apartment cleaning services in OKC swear by.

Carry out the "Empty-Handed" Rule

One of the most effective ways to keep your apartment clean is to never leave a room empty-handed. Whenever you move from one room to another, take a quick look around for items that belong in another area and bring them with you. This simple habit can help prevent clutter from building up in your home.

Squeegee on Carpets for Pet Hair Removal

Dealing with pet hair on carpets can be a significant challenge for pet owners. A simple trick that most apartment cleaning services suggest is to use a squeegee to gather pet hair. Run the squeegee over the carpet, and watch as it collects the hair in one easy-to-remove pile.

Cuban Mop Technique for Floors

The Cuban mop is a simple yet effective cleaning tool that can make mopping your floors a breeze. It consists of a long handle with a cloth attached to the end. The apartment cleaning services experts simply dip the cloth in a mixture of water and cleaning solution, wring it out, and use it to mop your floors. The Cuban mop is especially useful for cleaning large areas quickly, it is eco-friendly and within budget.

Use a Window Squeegee in the Shower

Cleaning the shower can be a tedious task, but it doesn't have to be. A window squeegee can make quick work of removing water spots and soap scum from shower doors and walls. Keep a squeegee in your shower and use it after taking bath to keep your shower looking clean and spotless.

Ensure Pet Food Freshness

To keep your pet's food fresh and free from pests, store it in airtight containers. Not only will this help preserve the food's freshness, but it will also prevent spills and messes in your pantry or kitchen.

Make Your Bed Every Morning

Making your bed may seem like a small task, but it can have a big impact on the overall cleanliness of your bedroom. A neatly made bed can instantly make a room look tidier and more inviting. Get into the habit of making your bed as soon as you get up in the morning to start your day off on the right foot.

Safeguard Your Home with EPA-Approved Disinfectants

When it comes to cleaning and disinfecting your apartment, it's essential to use products that are safe and effective. Look for EPA-approved disinfectants that are proven to kill germs and bacteria. These products are safe to use around pets and children and will help keep your home clean and healthy. However, to make things easy, you can contact a reputed apartment cleaning service for help.

Say Goodbye to Stains

Accidents happen, especially when it comes to spills and stains. If you find yourself dealing with a wine stain, don't panic. Instead, reach for a bottle of hydrogen peroxide. Apply a small quantity of hydrogen peroxide to the stain, allowing it to sit for a few minutes. Next, softly dab the affected area using a fresh cloth to eliminate the stain. Repeat this process as needed until the stain disappears.

Create a Weekly Cleaning Calendar

Apartment cleaning services suggest staying on top of your cleaning tasks by creating a weekly cleaning schedule. Break down your cleaning tasks into manageable chunks and assign them to specific days of the week. This will help prevent tasks from piling up and make cleaning feel more manageable.

Streamline Your Cleaning Routine

Keep your cleaning supplies organized by designating a specific area in your apartment for them. Use bins or baskets to store cleaning products, and make sure to keep them out of reach of children and pets.

Master One Task at a Time

When cleaning your apartment, it can be tempting to try to tackle multiple tasks at once. However, this can lead to feeling overwhelmed and may result in incomplete cleaning jobs. Instead, focus on one task at a time and give it your full attention before moving on to the next one. You can also call up an apartment cleaning service to do it for you.

Dispose of Trash Promptly

Trash can quickly accumulate in your apartment, leading to odors and pests. To prevent this, make it a habit to take out the trash regularly. Keep a small trash bin in each room to make it easy to dispose of small items and empty them regularly.

Use a Damp Microfiber Cloth and Vacuum Cleaner

For dusting and cleaning surfaces, apartment cleaning services use a damp microfiber cloth. This is because it captures dust and dirt without spreading it around, leaving surfaces clean and streak-free. Pairing this with a good vacuum cleaner can help you keep your apartment clean and free from dust and allergens.

Arrange Regular Apartment Cleaning Services

If keeping up with cleaning tasks is challenging, consider setting up a recurring cleaning service. A professional cleaning service can help you maintain a clean and healthy living environment without the hassle of doing it yourself.

Revamp Your Living Space

Change your apartment into a pristine place with King's Green Cleaning's expert services. Our dedicated team ensures every nook and cranny is spotless, leaving your home refreshed and inviting. Say goodbye to the hassle of cleaning and hello to a sparkling clean apartment. Contact us today to schedule your apartment cleaning services in OKC and experience the difference with us!


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