What Are the Places in Your House You Overlooked to Clean?

A pair of adult male hands feeling the flow of air coming out of an air vent on a wall near a ceiling. Man with hands in front of an air vent feeling for air flow.jpg

We want our house to be clean no matter what it takes. But in order to do so we overlook cleaning certain spots. In this article, we will discuss certain spots that we often overlook while cleaning our house. You can hire a professional apartment cleaning service in OKC in this regard to help you clean overlooked spots.

The reason why people overlook cleaning certain spots is a matter of concern. Sometimes it becomes difficult for us to reach some specific areas of our houses. Therefore, we end up overlooking those areas. Some of the most common overlooked cleaning spots are:

  • High-Traffic Areas

High-traffic areas refer to certain spots that are touched more often than not. Areas such as switches, doorknobs, window glasses are considered to be high-traffic areas. Especially in this pandemic time, it's important to clean high-traffic areas regularly. This will disinfect the germs from spreading. These are the easiest of the spots we often miss out while cleaning. You need to make sure such spots are well cleaned. Use your disinfectant spray and clean those areas properly with microfiber cloth.

  • Ceiling Fans

Ceiling fans can catch dust very easily. When you switch them on, the loose dust will be mixed into the air. This is not healthy at all. Make sure you clean them at least once or twice a month.

  • Air Vents

Air vents are one of the easiest spots to be overlooked. The purpose of air vents is to collect the dust from the air and then filter it out. Cleaning the air vents regularly is a good habit. You need to change the filter when it is necessary.

  • Fridge and Microwave Oven

We clean our fridges and microwave ovens from the inside. But how many people clean them from under and behind? Lots of food particles, dirt and dust can easily be found under and behind these items. Make sure you clean them on a regular basis in order to maintain a healthier environment inside your kitchen.

There are many other areas inside our apartments we overlook while cleaning. It's almost impossible to clean every spot of an apartment. That's why it's important to bring in a professional apartment cleaning service. They know how to clean your apartment well. With a professional service, spots that are out of your reach will be cleaned easily.

King's Green Cleaning should be your one and only choice if you are looking for a professional cleaning service. We have trained and experienced staff who knows how to keep your apartment clean and neat. Let us shine in your apartment. Hire us today!


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