Airbnb Cleaning Service Guest User Airbnb Cleaning Service Guest User

Room Cleaning after Renovation

Home renovation in room full of painting tools

Often the owners who rent down airbnb rooms make sure to renovate the rooms after certain period of time. But they have to make sure that the room is well cleaned after the renovation and before new guests arrive. See this article here to learn more on airbnb cleaning service.

Post renovation cleaning

You should know that the post renovation cleaning is tougher than regular cleaning. Due to the work type, there should be debris, junk and more around the room. The floors will have dust layers and the room does not look and feel fresh at all. Moreover, after a renovation there should be dust piled up in the room corners. Therefore, you should hire someone with cleaning expertise and who knows the job better. To clean up a space after renovation or construction, there are a lot of technical aspects that only a professional knows. Moreover, they are equipped with high-end tools for deep cleaning.

  • Dusting:

Dust in the air is one of the biggest hazards after renovation. If the air is not filtered it can make the next guests uncomfortable. Gradually dust will start to settle down on the surface, the furniture and everywhere in the room creating an unhealthy atmosphere.

  • Air vents/filters:

Through the air vents and filters dust will reach to the other areas of a building where no renovation has happened. It may also block the vents and damage the HVAC system installed. The cleaners carefully wipe the surfaces, the filters, vents that were probably exposed to dust.

  • Flooring:

Another common area that needs deep cleaning is the flooring. Remember our earth has gravity. Dust and debris fall on the surface and pipe up. Often there happens to be a layer of dust and only brushing and mopping cannot remove them all. It needs extra time and effort.

  • Extras

The other areas that need your attention for cleaning are windows, picture frame, furniture, lights and lamps, appliances, walls, garbage, blinds, bedding and everything else in the room.

Benefits of Hiring Professionals

Once you hire professionals for airbnb cleaning service it takes more time as they put more effort to the room. They are equipped with advanced technique, tools, cleaning agents, chemicals and more. Traditional cleaning process does not work for post renovation clean up sessions. The cleaning companies hire people with specialization in the respective field.

See us here at King’s Green Cleaning in OKC. Tell us about your cleaning schedule and requirement. Follow us for commercial and residential cleaning.

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Airbnb Cleaning Service Guest User Airbnb Cleaning Service Guest User

Why Cleaning Services Is on Demand Now?

Home disinfection by cleaning service, surface treatment from coronavirus, steam disinfection

The world is a place to perform activities throughout the day! Not long ago, all of us looked madly for miracle products that can fix every part of our lives. We have turned to mechanical answers to all our day-to-day concerns from washing machines to dishwashers to cars, but we are still spending our time every day stretching more and more thinly with all the wonderful machines at our disposal. Some smart people took the spare time and made their work more efficient, setting the bar for everyone even more efficiently instead of saving time for recreational work.

Now, in half of the time we produce twice as much, but still work for as long! We use apps and websites to enhance our productivity and to gain an edge instead of mechanical solutions. Whether transport through apps such as Uber and Lyft is more efficient, or improving our productivity by facilitating food through various apps. To avoid cleaning and keeping things in place, we have found every sneak pick to avoid the task.

Now we can finally relegate cleaning through Airbnb cleaning services to the list of things we can cut off and play. We can skip the dishes really now!

You've already come this far, so what are you waiting for? It has been required of us to frenetically clean the house because guests are coming. No time to rest, all the work is done: one good thing about the clean-ups is that they inspire you and they also show results. It's so nice to be able to finally have the whole building or yard spick and span! It relieves your anxiety, so you can really sit back and relax. We would think you deserve that sense of peace and relaxation every day, and you don't have to go through the trouble of getting it. So purchase a little happiness: schedule some book cleaning on your calendar.

Where to Find Credible Cleaners?

Well, doing your research is inevitable when you want to hire experts. Instead of beating around the bush, hire King’s Green Cleaning if you are a resident of OKC. Our Airbnb cleaning service has a team of experts who will never let you down. Come to us and bid adieu to your stress and anxiety.

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