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Effective Home Remedies for Cleaning Tile Grout

Grouting ceramic tiles. Tilers filling the space between tiles using a rubber trowel.jpg

Generally, people use tiles in their homes so that the house looks good. But over time, the tile’s grout can become dirty. If you want to get back the shininess of the tiles easily, then don’t go for chemical cleaners. You can clean all the dirt and bring back the shininess by applying home remedies. You do not have to waste money to buy those expensive chemical cleaners.

However, if you don’t have enough time to clean the tiles by yourself, then hire a professional maid service. They know how to clean your house properly and they have all the cleaning equipment and cleaning solutions. You don’t have to worry about anything when you handover the responsibility to them.

We have shared a few home remedies for cleaning the tiles of the bathroom and kitchen easily. You just have to take a toothbrush, rag and vinegar.

  • Vinegar

You can just use vinegar to see the magic. It cleans the grout within a few minutes. You can use it raw or dilute it with water. After mixing the solution, you have to pour it on the edges of the tile and wait for ten minutes. After that, use the toothbrush in a circular motion in that particular area to remove he grime and dust.

  • Vinegar and Baking Soda

If you want both cleaning and shininess, then apply this miracle solution at least once. First, you have to make a paste of baking soda and vinegar. After that, you have to apply the paste to the grout and scrub it with a toothbrush. This process takes a little extra time but is worth it.

You can use this product by yourself or contact maid service to clean the tiles. Then you don’t have to spend time cleaning this.

  • Lemons

If you have a stock of lemon in your house, then use it immediately. There is high acidic substance in lemon juice that can easily clean the stains and discoloration in the grout. Apply the lemon juice on the tiles for a minimum of ten minutes and then wipe it clean. You don’t only get the cleanliness but also the smell of fresh lemon in the bathroom and the kitchen.

If you cannot clean the grout stains by using these ingredients, in that case, you can use hydrogen peroxide and white shoe polish. You have to apply the hydrogen peroxide for ten minutes and white shoe polish overnight.

Clean your House

If you don’t want to do all this cleaning work by yourself, then call maid service as soon as possible. You can contact King's Green Cleaning in Edmond OK. The professional cleaning service knows how to clean the tile grout properly. Book your schedule now.

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How Frequently Should You Clean Your House?

Woman cleaning the house.jpg

Nowadays, most people have a busy lifestyle. We are engaged in various types of work. As a result, we often do not get enough time to clean our house regularly. It is a million-dollar question about how often we should clean our house. Keep in mind that if you dust your house regularly, then you do not have to spend more time and energy on a single day of dusting. What more can you do to save yourself and your family members from allergens?

If you do not have enough time for dusting, you can hire a maid service to dust your house professionally. Here, we have a clear few facts about dusting and have discussed those elaborately.

  • You Should Clean Ducts and HVAC Filter Regularly

First of all, you should keep the HVAC filter. Furthermore, you have to maintain a cleaning schedule on a daily basis. Keep in mind that a High-Efficiency Particulate Air device can filter 99.97% of 0.3-micron elements. You should clean the HVAC filter frequently and replace it if needed. Make sure to inspect the filter after every spring to check if the devices work properly.

  • You Must Vacuum on a Daily Basis

If you do vacuuming regularly, then the house remains clean. In addition, you can stay safe from allergens. If you cannot empty the vacuum bag after every use, it may add extra dust in the air. If you notice a musty smell or start to sneeze after using a vacuum, then you have to clean the canister, replace the vacuum and the bag. Remember that there are plenty of maid services available across the United States. So, you can hire a service to clean your house properly if you don’t have much time.

  • Can Use a Damp Cloth for Cleaning

You can use a damp cloth while dusting. The damp cloth can attract and hold the unwanted dust easily. You can choose microfiber cloth to get a better result. Ensure that the cloth is not too damp. Otherwise, it can leave wet marks on the furniture.

How Frequently Should You Dust?

The more frequently you clean the house, the fewer problems arise. But generally, you can dust your house once a week. If you have an allergy problem, then you should clean more frequently. You can also contact a maid service to clean your house accurately.

Book Your Customize Cleaning Service

If you cannot spend enough time cleaning, then you can consult with a maid service. You may contact King's Green Cleaning in Edmond, OK. Wey provide various services including house cleaning, office cleaning, vacation rental cleaning and covid-19 services.

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Why Maid Service Is an Important Solution for A Workplace?

Young smiling cleaner woman with detergent and sponge on white background

If you run a business and maintain an office, then you may need an office cleaning service often. We all know that cleanliness is next to godliness. It should be your responsibility to maintain hygiene in the office because many people work there. Therefore, it is your responsibility to think about the health and satisfaction of your employees. If you hire a maid service in your office weekly or monthly, it can bring many advantages to your professional workplace.

Here, we have shared a few facts about why you should hire a maid service for your workplace.

  • Fewer Sick Leaves

Many employees work together in the workplace and they may suffer from the disease easily as the virus and germs can spread rapidly. If they take seek leaves frequently due to an unhygienic workplace, it is harmful to your business and affects it from production level to sales level.

If you hire a maid service to your office on a weekly basis, the employees will not suffer from disease frequently and increase the business rapidly.

  • Increase the Productivity Rate

When the employees notice that the company cares about their wellbeing, they work better. If you call a professional cleaning service to clean your office frequently, then the employees do not worry about their safety and the dirty environment, therefore they can focus on their work. If you are a company owner, you should not ignore these facts.

  • Save Unnecessary Cost

If you clean your office frequently, then the various furniture, equipment, and carpets can last for many years. Also, you may not need to repair the items often and it can save you precious money and time at a comparatively lower cost.

  • Increase Enthusiasm and Moral

If the employees feel proud about their workplace, then it can affect their morality and enthusiasm. When employees can see that their workplace is well maintained and hygienic, they feel good about the environment and they become more enthusiastic and stay moral to their company. Therefore, you should hire a maid service to clean your office and provide assurance of hygiene to the employees.

Book Now

If you want to clean your office and maintain hygiene and safety against disease as much as possible and increase productivity, then contact King’s Green Cleaning. They provide various services including house cleaning, office cleaning, vacation rental cleaning and covid-19 services in Edmond ok at affordable prices.

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Advantages Rendered by a Clean Home

Cleaning with spray detergent, rubber gloves and dish cloth on work surface concept for hygiene

You must want to clean your house regularly but often regular schedule fails you to do so. Some people even do not bother at all about cleaning. If so, there are professional maid services for house cleaning. Here we will be discussing the advantages of house cleaning. Next time, if you feel ignorant about the advantages remind yourself about the advantages.

  • An Organized Home – Regular cleaning helps in keeping the home organized and tidy. You will know what is kept where and you would have to waste time for finding important things.

  • Less Stress – Not finding things when required is stressful. What is more stressful is living in a cluttered space. It reminds you a lot of things to do and your living space seems smaller than it is. Let the maid services handle this task.

  • No Junk Accumulation – Not cleaning the home regularly will accumulate junk at your home. It could be junk mail, unwanted paper, wrapping paper, paper boxes, food waste and anything. Do not let this happen to your house and make sure you get rid of these regularly.

  • Less Allergy and Germs – If the house is not cleaned regularly obviously it will pile up dust followed by allergens. Who does not know allergens are source of multiple diseases? Cleaning the home is essential therefore. Moreover, it will help spread less germs and keep the home healthy. Make sure to clean the spills, carpet vacuuming, bathroom and kitchen to kill bacteria and germs.

  • Pest Removal – Rodents and bugs are common household problems. Spills, different food sources including food particles attract pests. If you do not clean the house for spilled food, food waste from bins, kitchen, dining area or outdoor cooking area, inevitably you will invite pests for spreading germs and bacteria.

  • Safety - An uncluttered home can be risky if there are things scattered on the floor as it may cause trip hazards. In an unclean home mold, bacteria or fungus can grow easily. Moreover, laundry, wiping floor surface or germ killing is quite a thing to deal with.

  • Air Quality – Regular cleaning reduces dust, odors and allergens. It improves air quality that is a boon for the asthma patients and children. Asthma conditions can get worsened if the carpets or the upholstery are not cleaned regularly.

See us at King’s Green Cleaning for professional maid service in Edmond. We are experts in commercial building, residential building and Airbnb cleaning and more.

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Unlocking the Ways to Remove Unwanted Stains

A young suprised housewife looking stain on clothes

Imagine you are in a hurry and coffee just spilled on your favorite t-shirt. Or, you are cuddling your neighbor’s baby, and suddenly the baby pees on your shirt. Definitely it is not an easy to go situation. You are now thinking about the stains and how to remove them quickly with the aid of maid service or by using stain- removers.

We all know that avoiding getting stained is almost impossible. However, you can remove the stains by applying some simple tips and tricks. It will save your hard-earned bucks for the long run and your favorite cloth too.

All you need some stain fighters in your hand-

Aqua hair spray

  • Bleach

  • Dish soap

  • Paper towel

  • Stain remover

  • Rubbing alcohol

  • Vinegar

Common Stains on Cloth and Removing Ways

  • Baby food

First, scrape off the dried food with a knife. Then soak the cloth for 15 minutes in a mixture of lukewarm water, dish soap and ammonia. After that, rub the stain with your hand. Soak it for an additional 15 minutes. Rinse it and soak it again in the solution until it is gone entirely.

  • Vomit

Clear the vomit first. Sprinkle some amount of baking soda and leave it for 20 minutes. Now, make a solution of dishwashing detergent, white vinegar and warm water. Sponge the stain until it is absorbed. Leave it for drying.

  • Bloodstain

Soak the cloth in ice-cold water for 15 minutes. Rub the stain. Soak it for an additional 15 minutes. Check the colors if it is still visible. Go for the normal laundry process.

  • Urine

Blot the excess liquid. Now, mix white vinegar with water and baking soda. Pour the mixture. Use a scrub brush to remove the stain. Now, blot the area with a new cloth. Sprinkle baking soda and then vacuum it.

  • Candle wax

Scrape the excess wax with a towel. Use a clean paper towel to place the stain down on it. Now, place the iron over the stain to release the resin. Repeat this process two to three times. Soak in oxyclean you looking.

Looking for maid service in Edmond?

At King’s Green Cleaning, you will get expert and professional maid services for cleaning at an affordable price. From your household cleaning to office space cleaning, we cover all the various types of stains. You don't need to worry about it. Call us today and let us do all the hard work.

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