House Cleaning Edmond Guest User House Cleaning Edmond Guest User

Natural Cleaning Products for House Cleaning

Beautiful young woman makes cleaning the house. Girl rubs dust

You may soon be overwhelmed today by all the retail cleaning product options on the market when you think of cleaning your houses from top to bottom during the summer. You may want to use something natural as well, or at least something you can say that has ingredients.

For example, you may decide to switch to home-made cleaning products, so that you do not only make your environmental contribution, but also save money. Here, we focus primarily on homemade natural cleaning products so that your home can be completely and securely cleaned while your carbon footprint is minimized. Or, if you would rather allow the pros to clean up during the summer, you can also obtain services from a recurring house cleaning company.

Natural Stain Remover for Carpet

A vacuum cleaner, a spray bottle, white vinegar, water, nylon scrub brush, and baking soda are the supplies you need to prepare this natural home-made cleaner. First, you must cover or add a plentiful amount of baking soda to the target area of your carpet. A 1⁄2 and 1⁄2 of water and white vinegar must then be combined in a spray bottle, so that you have the perfect mixture.

Then spray the solution over the baking soda on the tapestry. Please note that baking soda spray is absolutely safe and, dare we say, kind of fun when the bubbling and spray results.

You must then wait a few hours for the solution to be diluted. The general rule is to allow the solution to sit for approximately 3 hours. Now is the real fun, you have to make good use of your reliable nylon brush. In other words, you must work the solution carefully with your brush in the tapestry.

Please do not rub too heavily, however, as this can damage or disturb your sensitive fiber. After that, you will have to wait for it to dry after scrubbing the problem area. We suggest you just let it dry for the rest of the night.

The last step is to vacuum the tapestry. If you wake up the following morning, you will probably see a residues of baked soda, which look and texture are chalky. You need to use your vacuum cleaner to remove the calcareous residue. In addition, if there is any residue left after vacuuming, a piece of clean clothing can be gently removed.

Stain Remover for T-shirt

White T-shirts are renowned for attracting stupid yellow colors in the lower arm area. The good news is that with many items you probably lies around your home you can easily eliminate the unattractive stains.

A bucket, spoon, vinegar, small container, a towel, salt, baking soda, some water, and hydrogen peroxide are the supplies that are necessary to form this natural t-shirt-stain remover. Start by mixing in your bucket 2 cups of tepid water with a cup of vinegar. The stained T-Shirt must then be soaked for about 30 minutes into the bucket.

Then, combine a spoonful of hydrogen peroxide in a small bowl or in a bottle, a tablespoon of salt and a half cup of baked soda. Mix the trifecta with a spoon until it forms a paste. Then you have to cover the mixture with the stain and let it be set for a while. Place the t-shirt on a towel in order to expose your stains. Coat the T-Shirt with the paste mixture and leave it as you did with the soak for about 30 minutes.

The fourth and last step is to wash your t-shirt like you would normally use it in your washing machine. However, check the t-shirt before throwing it on your dryer after running the load. In some cases, you may notice the longevity of a few stains. If yes, don't throw your other clothes with the stained shirt, as the drier actually makes the stains fit in. You should instead wash it for the second time, before throwing it into your dryer before all the stains are gone.

There are different types of DIY stain removers that you can create. However, calling a professional house cleaning service can also solve your issue. Ask us at King’s Green Cleaning in Edmond, OK.

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Maid Service OKC Guest User Maid Service OKC Guest User

Dish Soap- How It Can be a Super Savior for You?

citric acid, cleaning brush, steel wool, sponges and bar of soap on white wooden table background

If you ask one us about what the most used caddy cleaning product is, we will always stick to one answer that is-dish soap. This improbable response is due to the gentleness and uniqueness of dish soap. Dish soap is absolutely safe to use on practically any surface and environmentally friendlier than many other household cleaners. See what our maid service team has to say.

Dish soap ingredients

One of the many reasons for cleaning with dish soap is that it is of course an eco-friendly product. Soaps for dishes that contain phosphates that may pose a risk to the environment. When phosphates enter the lakes and rivers, algal blooms can trigger the levels of oxygen in the water. Fortunately, most important dish soap brands have eliminated phosphates.

It's important to know that some of thebrands still contain triclosan, when you buy a dish soap for its environmental benefits as it is antibacterial. When triclosan enters the environment, dioxins taken from plants can break down. The main problem with triclosan in soaps is that microbial waste breakdowns may be inhibited in processing plants.

Dish Soap Has no Strong Chemical Fragrances

We also like to clean using dish soap because it is strong, but does not give a strong chemical aroma in our homes and offices. Our customers are particularly interested in using products that do not smell strongly. Strong artificial chemically fragrances can cause both humans and pets headaches and breathing problems. Many effective degraders also have fragrances that are strong. In most dish soaps, the smell is usually milder.

Dish Soap is Safe, and Highly Efficient on Many Surfaces

You can use dish soap on any surface like marble, granite, pottery,sealed wood, etc. It has a pH of 7 or 8, which is more or less neutral, for the most mild dish soaps. Glass cleaners or alkaline cleaners, are acidic, making them more susceptible to use on surfaces like marble that are easily damaged.

Although dish soap is gentle, they are still a very efficient cleaner. One of the first steps our maid service team will be trained in making a soapy water bucket when they begin to clean a bathroom or kitchen. During the cleaning process you will use this all-needed tool. The dish soap is manufactured for the cleaning of kitchen surfaces by the food graft, which is so natural to remove stubborn grade from stove tops and microwaves while maintaining safety in the presence of granite or marbling envelopes and stainless steel surfaces. Dish soap in the bathroom is also extremely helpful. We use it to treat soap scum, to wash porcelain sinks, to wash counters and to scrub tile and linoleum floors. It is used for bathrooms and showers.

Ask us at King’s Green Cleaning in OKC to know how we use dish soap to keep your house clean and shining.

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House Cleaning Edmond Guest User House Cleaning Edmond Guest User

Smart Tips to Keep a Clean House with Your Furry Friend

beautiful house, modern style, room with jacuzzi

In the middle of chaotic food supplies, hang-outs, zoom calls, isolation and the construction of pandemic fatigue, sometime last year you have a puppy who is your best companion. Now, this puppy make the cleaning process really exhausted. You want your home with a dog to remain clean. How are you going to ensure your house cleaning be done?

Tips to Keep Your House Clean with a Pooch

It's a clean and healthy home that's important if King’s Green Cleaning understands anything. Our furry friends love us as well. We compiled this pet-approved list of tips to protect your home against dirt and fur.

  • Continuous Grooming- One of the longstanding complaints of pet owners is that all the fur — the tumbleweeds of hair, which rollover along the baseboard, or the couch, which was white but is now whatever the dog's color. Regular care can significantly reduce shedding. You need not go to a groomer, just brush your dog a couple of times a week. This may also help your dog to have great fun and bonding. If possible, brush out to reduce skin particles that can contribute to allergies in the home. In order to minimize the 'dog smell,' regular swim is also important. In a clean home with a dog, a clean dog is an important part!

  • Before they enter the house, wash muddy paws- Take your dog's backyard or a recent walk in towel and possibly even a shallow bath of water near the door to wiper the door. A black Labrador of my parents is an expert in slinging mud on a path all over her, so she always has towels on her for wiping after every path.

  • Use your pet's dish with a placemat- You could preferably throw into the laundry with a load of towels once a week a placemat, which can be wiped with soap and water or a small mat or rougher. This helps to reduce the splatter of food and water. Use rust-proof or non-porous silicone food and water dishes for the food of your dog while we are on this subject. Bacteria that could harm your pet may contain porous materials such as many plastics.

  • Hire professional Cleaners- If that sounds like a lot of work, we're not going to lie—true. This is why King's Green Cleaning professionals are here to help. Our house cleaning service in Edmond, OK plans offer dog owners many choices: thoroughness of our floor cleaning system (by hand – no mops that miss corners and small spots), vacuuming upholstered mechanisms, vacuuming under clothes or sofas, wiping baseboards, sanitizing surfaces, products that have no strong scents or harmful chemicals, and much more. In addition, our friendly, expert team is specially trained in cleaning dog homes. Call us today for more information.

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Infographics Guest User Infographics Guest User

Top Notch Tips To Follow Move In House Cleaning (infographic)

Keeping your kitchen clean is necessary but when you try to do it yourself, no wonder the work is hassled. You have to find scrub the floors, kitchen slabs, appliances all alone. However, you can call a maid cleaning service to keep your hassles away. A cleaning team has all the needed materials and that expertise to handle the work appropriately. Try it now!

Top Notch Tips For Move In House Cleaning (infographic)
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House Cleaning OKC Guest User House Cleaning OKC Guest User

Maid Service- A Perfect Solution to Clean Up Your House

Attractive Beautiful Asian woman maid smile and cross arm feeling so happiness and confident,Isolated on white background,Cleaning Service concept

House cleaning is the biggest part of our home maintenance, isn't it? We don't want our houses to be dirty anyway. Rather lack of cleaning would make the house untidy and unhygienic. What is the solution then? A maid service can fix this problem and aid you with its strategic planning. When there is restricted time, it will be good to have tips on fast cleaning.

Start with fast and steady vibes

A fast house cleaning is the only motto that will help it further to save your valuable time as well as making the cleaning process a perfect one. Using the right tool for the right job will reduce the time as well as the pain of your normal cleaning day. Setting a timer before starting the clean up process can be a big advantage for you. It will allow you to take care of your job from seconds to hours.

Hide the unnecessary stuff

If there is a scenario that your guests are coming, you can simply stash your stuff by picking up the clutter and throwing it into the trash box and later when they are gone, you can simply go back and take them out accordingly.

Wipe it out

Using multipurpose wipes can speed up your cleaning process. From countertops to toilet seats, it's very fast. In the toilet, you can squirt cleaner and then with the help of a brush, you can quickly clean the bowl.

Wash the dishes and make your room to glow perfectly

After that, move towards the dishwasher and put everything in it that will fit. You don't need to put it one by one which will take time. At last, by making your bed you can make your room look tidy. You can light up a candle at the end to make it feel like a cherry on the top.

Clean up the kitchen and the remaining areas

At last, it's time to clean up your kitchen. Make sure that your cabinets are empty and clean. Next wipe the counters and stove and clean the sink. After the kitchen part is over, you can sweep floors and vacuum all carpeted areas.

Apart from it you can buy all those cleaning gadgets but most of them are pretty expensive and they don't do the job very often that they are supposed to do. But a house cleaning service in OKC can be very helpful. In this aspect, our service at King's Green Cleaning will not only make you feel satisfied with our professional work but also save your valuable time and your money that you were about to spend on cleaning gadgets.

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