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The Less Known and Most Professional Practices of Cleaning Vacation Rental Spaces

Moving into a spotless house always elevates the excitement levels in people. Moreover, a new location unlocks better possibilities of uniqueness and elegance among the individuals. But what would happen if your guests arrived and failed to notice the spotless trait? Will their excitement sustain for a long time? Hence it becomes vital to take help from the best vacation rental cleaning companies.

Cleaning is essential to beautify your property's rooms and give your guests the most satisfying experience. We remember an incident wherein a hotel owner was looking for the best rental cleaning service. After conversations with our management team, he took our service only to see a significant rise in bookings.

Top-to-Bottom Approach

Top-to-bottom cleaning is one of the best practices that our professionals follow. This step ensures the removal of dust, debris, and allergens around the space. Note that the final floor cleaning sweeps out all the dirt, eliminating the dependency on room-to-room stirring.

Most vacation rental cleaning professionals begin by dusting the hotel's giant fixtures, such as cupboards and tall cabinets. They also perform activities such as cleaning the air vents and lighting fixtures, dusting the ceiling fans, and changing the air filters.

Taking Care of Fridge Disinfection

The professionals aim to throw away the food remnants that the previous guests leave to prevent the entry of germs. Then they pull out the removable parts of the fridge and begin the washing process. Meanwhile, they start wiping the inner region with hot, soapy water.

Making the Bathroom and Shower Spotless

Bathroom cleaning seems to be the most crucial part of rental cleaning services. Guests are more likely to notice limescale buildup and stains in this space. Hence, they demand more frequent scrubbing for good measure.

The experts primarily focus on the commonly used spots such as the sink, bathtub, shower walls, wall tiles, flooring, and toilet. After that, they begin cleaning the unusual areas, such as the space underneath the sink. The well-known professionals also pay attention to the drainage area of the shower and bathtub.

Making the Floors Regain Luster

The process begins from the top and ends with the floors. The wiping and dusting activities cover the floor with a lot of dirt. Hence, it becomes crucial to vacuum every room's corners and edges.

Say Hello to the Best Cleaning Experience

King's Green Cleaning gives you the experience of the finest-quality vacation rental cleaning services. We offer the best customization options to meet your needs, giving your property the bookings, it deserves. The time for cleanliness starts now!

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A Proper Cleaning Guidelines for Vacation Rentals

Let's imagine a scenario! You arrive at your vacation rental house and find that the floor is dusty overall. You also notice stains on the sofa and even hair in the shower! Will you be able to stay in the same place?

If such a situation arises, in most cases, the guests don’t want to stay there or want a quick cleaning of the room or demand their money back. Consequently, the impression of the business get impacted adversely.

Overall, it is not good for your business and may decrease profit margin after a few months or years. To avoid such problems, the property managers should prioritize the cleaning process. They can do the cleaning by themselves or hire a vacation rental cleaning company immediately.

Ways to Manage the Vacation Rental Housekeeping Operations

No doubt that hiring in-house cleaners would be great but it is only the first step. You have to standardize and manage the process to maintain consistency in the work for your Oklahoman rentals. It takes a lot of time while operate various vacation rental properties. But if you invest in the right tools and establish the right practices, then you don’t need to schedule cleaning continuously.

  • Cleaning- The New Standard in This Industry

Cleaning the rental property is the most effective way to attract potential customers. Nowadays, the vacation rental industry is growing steadily because people prefer to stay in a solitary place for a few days to lessen their everyday stress. As a result, the guests' expectations are increasing simultaneously.

Keep in mind that the growth of your business relies upon the guests' expectations. If you cannot fulfill the basics, then you may not stand a chance. In this digitalized era, people prefer the customers’ review online while choosing a vacation rental. Therefore, you must consider hiring a vacation rental cleaning company to maintain the standard.

  • Set Up the Standard Processes and Procedures

You must check out the standard of the cleaning including what products the workers need to use and how to fold the towel. You should also hire plenty of staff to train, and manage new staff successfully. You should also let the worker understand the best time to clean the coffee machines, ceiling fans and hot tub.

  • Purchase High-Quality Cleaning Items

If you have a powerful cleaning staff, then it takes a little amount of time to complete the job and also improve the result. You can also use some natural air fresheners to make sure that your property smells as clean as it looks.

  • Cleanliness is a Form of Self Respect

To achieve peace of mind and proper relaxation, we often go for a vacation and book a rental house. But if we notice dust everywhere, then it can trigger our headaches and dissatisfaction.

If any rental remains dirty, that means the owners do not care about their guests. As a result, people will not prefer to stay in that rental anymore. If you want to grow your rental business more, then pay attention to the proper cleaning process. You can contact a proper vacation rental cleaning company - King's Green Cleaning serving in and around OKC.

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House Cleaning Service Cost: Considerable Factors

If you remain busy with a hectic schedule and you don’t get time for cleaning your house, it is better to opt for a professional cleaning service. However, there are certain things that you need to keep in mind, which is responsible for house cleaning service cost.

  • Your Home Location and Its Size

The location of your house is considered an unavoidable factor when it comes to the cost of cleaning. For example, a cleaning company will charge high for cleaning an apartment in New York, even if the house is small. However, cleaning a suburban house will cost less in Edmond.

If you are worried about what are the different factors that lead to a variation in the cost, then it includes the cost of living as well as other economic factors. When it comes to NYC, everything is quite expensive. Thus, cleaning is nothing exceptional. Besides, the size of your house is something that matters a great deal.

For example, the square footage is yet another significant factor as it involves the time frame. Vacation rental cleaning service quote prices as per the home size before coming to your house. Even if they have never seen your house, still they can quote a decent price depending on where you live.

  • Contract Schedule

Another important factor that you have to keep in mind is the fee structure of the cleaning company you are hiring. The price varies depending on whether you signed an ongoing contract or individual cleaning. You will notice that some companies charge a flat fee for certain services; whereas others perform everything on hourly criteria.

Another thing that you need to keep in mind is the cleaning schedule is directly connected to the amount that you will pay. If you are hiring a vacation rental cleaning service, not all companies will charge the same. While some may charge $25 less than the original price, others might charge you about $150 for a single visit.

  • Services Cleaning Company Is Providing

If you need a basic cleaning service, there are some common services that any company will provide, like vacuuming, tidying, dusting, cleaning the bathroom and kitchen fixtures. If you need some more options like cleaning windows, scrubbing the floors, deep cleaning of your bathroom, you will have to pay more. The reason behind this is these are labor-intensive work. Finally, there are other very labor-intensive works like carpet cleaning and spotting, granite countertop cleaning, powder washing, etc.

Get Your House Cleaning Done from King’s Cleaning

There are various factors responsible for determining the house cleaning cost. After you have decided on the cleaning frequency and the type, you will get your house professionally and sparkling cleaned by King's Green Cleaning. Contact us today!

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Do I Need to Clean Before the Cleaner Comes?

If you hire a cleaning service for the first time via an app, then you may feel confused about what to do. You may hear various pieces of advice that you must follow. You may also have heard that you should do a bit of cleaning before the actual cleaning professionals arrive. It may sound confusing but you have to understand what the service provider can do with your help. It would be better if you have a clear concept before hiring the vacation rental cleaning service. You have to be prepared so that the expert can complete the cleaning job smoothly.

What Type of Service They Can Provide?

They do a lot of work to clean your house properly. The following are:

  • Sweep floors

  • Mop the floors

  • Vacuum carpets

  • Clean countertops

  • Dust furniture, and picture frames

  • Clean the surfaces of all appliances

  • Scrub bathrooms

What Will They Do Not Do?

  1. Changing bed sheets

  2. Clean the refrigerator

  3. Doing laundry

  4. Washing dishes

  5. Cleaning up after pets

  6. Wiping moldings

What Should You Do?

  1. Do Research

    You must research their work or services before the professionals arrive at your house. It will help you to avoid any type of misunderstanding. You have to search on the net about popular cleaning services and read the reviews before hiring them. You also have to make sure that the cleaning service has insurance.

  2. Protect the Fragile Items

    It is possible that while cleaning any fragile item can be broken. Therefore, to prevent that, you must secure the items before cleaning. Apart from that, you can tell them to work more safely.

  3. Clear the Dishes

    Most of the house cleaning services do not clean the dirty dishes and remove the food messes from your kitchen. If you clean the dishes, then they can easily clean the surrounding areas. Otherwise, your time and money will be wasted.

  4. Keep Away Your Pets

    Before hiring them, you have to mention your pets and take action so that they do not have to face any problems. If your pet is aggressive, then you have to keep him or her at your friend’s or neighbor’s house. Apart from that, you can also put your pet in his or her room so that the experts can move freely in your house.

Call for Professional

While hiring a vacation rental cleaning service, you have to consider what type of clean does your house need. You can call King's Green Cleaning in Oklahoma to get a clean house.

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Checklist for Vacation Rental Cleaning

Tenants move in and out. When it's time to get rid of the old and make room for the new in your rental property, you want to get rid of everything. Check out our checklist for vacation rental cleaning to ensure you don't miss anything.


This could be the first area where new tenants discover leftovers from previous occupants. And it'll be the last location on earth where they'll want to do so. Bathrooms are undoubtedly the most heavily used rooms in any home, with high humidity and failing fixtures causing a slew of issues, necessitating a few minor repairs and comprehensive cleaning.

Fill your sink, bathtub, and toilet drains with a safe but efficient mixture of baking soda and vinegar to clear stubborn clogs without causing damage to your plumbing or people. Use vinegar to break away mineral buildup on faucets if you have hard water.

Clean the mirrors as well as the medicine cabinets behind them. Is there anything left over from the last tenant? Have any spills, smudges, or marks been left behind by the objects themselves, such as rust rings where shaving cans once stood or other spills, smudges, or marks? Remember to clean these areas thoroughly.

Every bathroom is plagued by mold and mildew. Scrub down every surface in the bathroom to make sure your prospective tenants don't come across anything nasty. Mold likes to colonize the caulking around bathtubs and showers, so you'll want to re-caulk those places as well.

The Dining Room

The kitchen, like the bathrooms, sees a lot of activity, and tenants may unintentionally leave a mess. Let's start with the fridge. Even the most conscientious people can forget what's in the fridge, resulting in some inadvertent and unusual research projects. Wipe off the insides of your refrigerator and freezer from top to bottom.

Don't forget about the coils that keep the contents chilly when you wipe out the inside of the fridge. Dust might build up beneath the refrigerator, insulating the coils and causing them to cease operating. It's likely that your tenants didn't keep up with this maintenance, therefore it's up to you to keep the fridge running.

The oven and stove can hold a lot of memories from previous meals. Before using caustic oven cleaners, try baking soda and melamine foam to erase such memories. Don't forget about the microwave, which in most families gets more use on a daily basis than the stove.

The Living Room and the Bedrooms

In comparison to the bathroom and kitchen, this appears to be a simple task. Most dust and clutter should be removed by vacuuming, mopping, and sweeping. If you have ceiling fans, ensure sure the blades are dust-free and the windows have the same streak-free sheen as the bathroom mirrors.

Ask at Kings Green Cleaning for an all-rounder cleaning service. We offer green cleaning for residential, commercial and Airbnb purposes.

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