Disinfecting a Mattress – All About It

To many people, one of life's greatest pleasures is a restful night's sleep. Getting seven to nine hours of quality sleep each night is one of the best ways to recharge one's batteries and feel more energized. Your mattress is the first step toward a restful night's sleep (yes, the right pillow is important too). It's not enough for your mattress to feel good; you must also be comfortable with it. A mattress that hasn't been cleaned or sterilized in a long time can lead to a few sleepless nights. Fortunately, sanitizing a used mattress is a simple process, so you don't have to stress about bedbugs or bacteria before you go to sleep. You need to call professionals for home sanitizing services.

Disinfecting Your Mattress Is Necessary

The simple fact that you've been sleeping on the same mattress for a long time is enough to warrant a thorough cleaning and sanitization. While your mattress may appear clean, there are many things lurking beneath the surface that you can't see.

  • Microorganisms and irritants

  • Dust mites

  • Germs

  • Decomposed skin cells

  • Human and animal hair

  • The traces of sweat and saliva on the skin

How to Make a Mattress Sanitized

For the best results, pay attention to how often you've washed or sterilized your present mattress and how often you do it now. Are you happy with a mild cleaning or are you ready to get your hands dirty? From basic mattress cleaning to a complete deep clean, we've compiled a list of suggestions for you.

  • Perform a Mattress Vacuuming

Dust, dead skin, and hair can be removed with an upholstery attachment on your vacuum once your blankets and sheets have been removed. Cleaning your mattress this way won't kill any bacteria, but it will allow you to check for stains or other changes in appearance that require a more thorough cleaning.

  • Your Mattress Needs a Steam Clean

An effective method for disinfecting your mattress is to use a steam cleaner. Consider getting or renting a machine equipped with a steam wand so that you may clean your mattress down to the seams and crevices. Streaming your mattress on a bright day is ideal because the sun will assist speed up the drying process. Outside or in front of an open window are good options for putting the mattress. Keeping a fan on will help keep the space fresh and free of musty aromas.

  • A Powerful Disinfectant and Stain Remover

A hydrogen peroxide solution can be extremely helpful in the removal of urine, perspiration, and blood stains from your mattress.

  • Get Rid of the Odor

It's time to make sure your mattress is completely odor-free, which means getting rid of all traces of urine, sweat, blood, and even cleaning agents. Fortunately, it is also the simplest. Sprinkle baking soda over the damaged parts of your mattress and allow it to settle for a few seconds. Don't cut corners; the damaged area may require the entire box. Ideally, you should wait a few days before vacuuming up the baking soda.

Try a professional home sanitizing services like, King’s Green Cleaning, if your mattress has a tenacious stench that simply won't go away.


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