Learn How to Remove Water Stains from Wooden Furniture

It’s a common scenario for every home to start clean-ups after a great family get-together is over. During this time, you might see a white stain in your wooden furniture. You might be thinking you can actually pull it off. But you will not eventually. This white stain is often seen as a water ring. It will frustrate you as it’s pretty difficult to get rid of such stains. Are you thinking of a deep cleaning service? Then you’re on the right track. Read this article thoroughly to learn how you can remove water stains from your wooden furniture.

What Causes Water Stain?

When you’re able to see water stains in your wooden furniture, it’s probably because moisture has trapped within. Here are a few cleaning tips to follow:

  • Use Heat to Remove Water Stains

When the water stain in your furniture is new, you can evaporate the stain before you remove it permanently. In order to perform this trick, cover the stain area with cotton and apply iron to heat the spot. The stain will evaporate slowly. Once it’s gone, polish the spot to make it shine.

  • Use Mayonnaise & Vinegar to Remove Stains

Make a good mixture of mayonnaise and vinegar and dab the mixture on the stain. Give it some time until it sits. Later use a clean cloth and wipe it away. Don’t forget to polish the furniture at the end.

  • Mineral Oil

You can use mineral oil to remove water stains from your wooden furniture. In order to do so, apply the oil in the spot and let it sit for some time. Later, I cleaned the spot with the help of soft cloth the next day.

Old water stains are comparatively more challenging than the newer stains. They are hard to get away from. If you want to make sure your wooden furniture looks okay, call a professional deep cleaning service.

King’s Green Cleaning offers high quality and eco-friendly house cleaning services for both residential and commercial properties. Visit our official page or give us a call to learn more about our services.


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