Get Your Carpet Cleaned Today — It’s a Sanitary Risk

How often have you cleaned the room but couldn’t clean the carpet right? A carpet is the worst dust magnet in the room and cleaning it is going to be the biggest pain. But proper home sanitizing services will clean our carpet out properly and reduce the risk of infection from it to near zero.

Keeping our rooms free of germs is not always an easy task. We and our pets bring dirt and germs from the outside under the feet and paws. We also spread the germs ourselves if we’re sick, and carpets catch them. To keep a home clean and free of germs, sanitizing the carpets is therefore mandatory.

Rugs are Infested with Bugs

Microscopic organisms, often easily called ‘bugs’, are responsible for most of the diseases that we get from the outside. A carpet traps these germs in the fibers very efficiently and doesn’t let go of normal cleaning. A tile floor, in contrast, doesn’t keep them stuck and will get cleaned with a simple soap wipe.

How to Clean a Carpet

There are numerous ways to clean and sanitize a carpet, which may depend upon its size and type. Most carpets can be sanitized with anti-bacterial cleaners. This wipes out stubborn microbes like staph, salmonella, influenza and even COVID. However, do note that this can void your carpet’s warranty if applicable. Of course, home sanitizing services would do it better.

The first thing to do with a carpet is regular vacuuming with a HEPA-filter attached cleaner. This sort of filter traps the microbes in the filter and you can later just wash it out with antibacterial soap. Stick to a regular schedule and clean the filters thoroughly and often (don’t let them sit around with dirt inside).

Pro Carpet Cleaning

The very best way to clean carpets is professional steam cleaning, which applies superhot steam to the carpet and kills any microbe in there. If you’ve got large carpets, it makes sense to maintain a contract for a seasonal carpet cleaning service with professional equipment.

The best time to do this would be right before late fall, as the cold starts to seep in and the flu season starts. It also happens to be the best time to call upon home sanitizing services to clean up not only your carpets but your whole house too. You can also go for it before the holidays.

If you want your carpets steam cleaned or detergent cleaned by professionals, hiring home sanitizing services is your best bet. Call up King's Green Cleaning today to royally challenge all germs and dirt in your home!


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