What is Vacation Rental Cleaning and Can You Afford It?

Vacation rental cleaning is a cleaning service that is much more detail-oriented, more efficient, more precise, and covers more objects than normal home or hotel room cleaning. It is an extensive seeping, dusting, wiping, and mopping package that returns your rental room to factory-fresh quality.

In a standard cleaning for hotel or home rooms, many non-essential items may get overlooked, such as ceiling fan blades or baseboards. These won’t matter much in a standard room. But in a vacation rental house, the customer is almost bound to notice them. This may result in complaints, negative reviews, and worst of all — bad word of mouth. So, your best bet is to clean your vacation home rooms with a proper vacation rental cleaning service.

How Special is the Vacation Rental Cleaning Crew?

Consider this: A vacation rental cleaning crew will have to perform all the tasks a standard cleaning crew will do plus more details and more precision, in the same or less time. To do this, the crew has to be well-trained, quick, efficient, and very methodical.

What’s more, a vacation rental room is often occupied more than it should be. Often clients will do a late check-out while the next booking is early. That gives you only 2-3 hours for room turnover. Only a vacation rental cleaning service crew can perform the tasks in that time frame.

As we stated above, renters are a tough crowd to please about cleanliness. To get an extra star review, your cleaning crew needs to get going with the whole shebang of dusting, sweeping, sanitizing, wiping, mopping, and whatnot.

They would also have to change towels and linens, make the bed and tables if any, patch up any damage, restock toiletries and more. To do all that in that short time frame is going to be almost impossible for most cleaning services but specialized vacation rental cleaners.

Before or After-Party Rug Cleaning Service Online

Let’s face it, rugs are dirt magnets, as they are made to be. All kinds of contaminants go into rugs, like dust, grime, pollen, food particles, pet and human hair, and even food spills. It isn’t easy to clean a rug — trust us, just vacuuming isn’t enough!

An online rug cleaning service for your vacation rental can help you a lot. For example:

  • It saves a lot of time to book your cleaning service online. They don’t call unless necessary.

  • It is very safe since a reputed cleaning service company vets the crews expertly and does thorough background checks on them.

  • It is the most efficient with fast and precise service.

  • It offers seamless communication without any ambiguity. Book only what you need.

Our Reputation is Spotless

If you need a vacation rental cleaning service or rug cleaning service, call up King's Green Cleaning today and step into a fresh room turned new!


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