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How Frequently Should You Clean Your House?

Woman cleaning the house.jpg

Nowadays, most people have a busy lifestyle. We are engaged in various types of work. As a result, we often do not get enough time to clean our house regularly. It is a million-dollar question about how often we should clean our house. Keep in mind that if you dust your house regularly, then you do not have to spend more time and energy on a single day of dusting. What more can you do to save yourself and your family members from allergens?

If you do not have enough time for dusting, you can hire a maid service to dust your house professionally. Here, we have a clear few facts about dusting and have discussed those elaborately.

  • You Should Clean Ducts and HVAC Filter Regularly

First of all, you should keep the HVAC filter. Furthermore, you have to maintain a cleaning schedule on a daily basis. Keep in mind that a High-Efficiency Particulate Air device can filter 99.97% of 0.3-micron elements. You should clean the HVAC filter frequently and replace it if needed. Make sure to inspect the filter after every spring to check if the devices work properly.

  • You Must Vacuum on a Daily Basis

If you do vacuuming regularly, then the house remains clean. In addition, you can stay safe from allergens. If you cannot empty the vacuum bag after every use, it may add extra dust in the air. If you notice a musty smell or start to sneeze after using a vacuum, then you have to clean the canister, replace the vacuum and the bag. Remember that there are plenty of maid services available across the United States. So, you can hire a service to clean your house properly if you don’t have much time.

  • Can Use a Damp Cloth for Cleaning

You can use a damp cloth while dusting. The damp cloth can attract and hold the unwanted dust easily. You can choose microfiber cloth to get a better result. Ensure that the cloth is not too damp. Otherwise, it can leave wet marks on the furniture.

How Frequently Should You Dust?

The more frequently you clean the house, the fewer problems arise. But generally, you can dust your house once a week. If you have an allergy problem, then you should clean more frequently. You can also contact a maid service to clean your house accurately.

Book Your Customize Cleaning Service

If you cannot spend enough time cleaning, then you can consult with a maid service. You may contact King's Green Cleaning in Edmond, OK. Wey provide various services including house cleaning, office cleaning, vacation rental cleaning and covid-19 services.

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Vacation Rental Cleaning Guest User Vacation Rental Cleaning Guest User

Summer Home Cleaning Tips for Vacation

Young asian woman cleaning house Sweeping the floor with a mop House keeping concept

It's been a hot and humid summer, and you know you should clean the house, but you don't know where to begin. Fortunately, we've compiled a list of easy summer cleaning tips, so you won't have to worry about keeping up with your house. These simple summer home maintenance tips will keep your home running smoothly, your air conditioning running efficiently, and you relaxed on vacation without fear of returning to a mess. For your vacation, hiring rental cleaning service is an essential part.

This is also true if you are a party person who enjoys spending your summer days with your closest friends.

  • Clean out the refrigerator

Bacteria grow faster in hotter climates, including in the refrigerator. Clean out the refrigerator, rinsing the surfaces with gentle antibacterial soap and tossing out anything expired or moldy. This is especially important during fruit and vegetable season; invest in a food-grade cleaner to wash your produce and avoid any potentially harmful bacteria, such as salmonella.

  • Make the patio a fun place to hang out in the evenings

Patios are ideal for grilling and socializing with friends and relatives. Consider removing moss and lichen with a simple spray of bleach/water or soda crystals to make the patio a truly pleasant room. Both natural methods will destroy and dry the lichen, leaving you with the simple task of raking the patio clean and relaxing in your like-new outdoor room.

  • Empty the fridge

This cleaning activity will not only be beneficial, but it will also keep you cool! This is something to save for a really hot day. Fill the clean sink with all of the ice cubes. Take all of the frozen products and place them in the sink with ice to keep them cold while you clean out the freezer. With your car ice scraper and some hot water, remove the accumulated frost. Any slow-moving liquid spills should be cleaned up. Now it's time to look at the frozen foods. Throw away everything that shows signs of freezer burn, such as grayish-brown spots and dense frost layers. It's probably better to get rid of something that's available.

  • Make Sure the Garbage Disposal and Drains Are Clean

Food rots more rapidly in the hot summer months, and odors fester more easily. In the summer humidity, it's important to clean out your drain and garbage disposal to ensure that no food is trapped and creating foul odors. Pour baking soda followed by vinegar into your sink, let it bubble for five minutes, and then flush with boiling water to naturally clean it without putting your hands in the garbage disposal. Repeat as required, about every two weeks or so, to keep odors at bay.

  • Gummy Bears

Bubble gum is one of the most popular sticky messes you'll come across. Freezing and chipping bubble gum is the most convenient and least messy process. For smaller items, place it in the freezer for about an hour before gently scratching it with a butter knife. Water and dish soap should get the rest out without too much trouble.

  • Spills with Lemonade and Juice

Summer conjures up images of lemonade and juice boxes–as well as a lot of waste. Cleaning up stale summer messes like these sucrose drinks doesn't have to be difficult. Using a paper towel first, followed by a hot water microfiber towel. Make use of a paper towel. If you have a spill, rinse your wet clothes right away.

Many chairs now have alcohol stain microfiber upholstery, which makes cleaning a challenge. Using rubbing alcohol, spray the stain and wash it away with a smooth sponge. Since it evaporates faster than water, it leaves no trace. Is your tissue concerned about the effects of alcohol? Make a one-part fluid dishwashing solution by spraying a hydrogen peroxide solution in two sections, rubbing it in, and then washing it.

  • In the bathroom

During the summer months, the bathroom is subjected to rigorous training due to the presence of children at home and visitors. Add a few drops of your favorite essential oil to the inside of your toilet paper - when the roll is used, the odor is emitted.

For vacation rental cleaning see us here at Kings Green Cleaning. See us for residential, commercial and airbnb cleaning in OKC.

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Maid Service Edmond Guest User Maid Service Edmond Guest User

Advantages Rendered by a Clean Home

Cleaning with spray detergent, rubber gloves and dish cloth on work surface concept for hygiene

You must want to clean your house regularly but often regular schedule fails you to do so. Some people even do not bother at all about cleaning. If so, there are professional maid services for house cleaning. Here we will be discussing the advantages of house cleaning. Next time, if you feel ignorant about the advantages remind yourself about the advantages.

  • An Organized Home – Regular cleaning helps in keeping the home organized and tidy. You will know what is kept where and you would have to waste time for finding important things.

  • Less Stress – Not finding things when required is stressful. What is more stressful is living in a cluttered space. It reminds you a lot of things to do and your living space seems smaller than it is. Let the maid services handle this task.

  • No Junk Accumulation – Not cleaning the home regularly will accumulate junk at your home. It could be junk mail, unwanted paper, wrapping paper, paper boxes, food waste and anything. Do not let this happen to your house and make sure you get rid of these regularly.

  • Less Allergy and Germs – If the house is not cleaned regularly obviously it will pile up dust followed by allergens. Who does not know allergens are source of multiple diseases? Cleaning the home is essential therefore. Moreover, it will help spread less germs and keep the home healthy. Make sure to clean the spills, carpet vacuuming, bathroom and kitchen to kill bacteria and germs.

  • Pest Removal – Rodents and bugs are common household problems. Spills, different food sources including food particles attract pests. If you do not clean the house for spilled food, food waste from bins, kitchen, dining area or outdoor cooking area, inevitably you will invite pests for spreading germs and bacteria.

  • Safety - An uncluttered home can be risky if there are things scattered on the floor as it may cause trip hazards. In an unclean home mold, bacteria or fungus can grow easily. Moreover, laundry, wiping floor surface or germ killing is quite a thing to deal with.

  • Air Quality – Regular cleaning reduces dust, odors and allergens. It improves air quality that is a boon for the asthma patients and children. Asthma conditions can get worsened if the carpets or the upholstery are not cleaned regularly.

See us at King’s Green Cleaning for professional maid service in Edmond. We are experts in commercial building, residential building and Airbnb cleaning and more.

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House Cleaning Edmond Guest User House Cleaning Edmond Guest User

Facts You Should Know While Hiring a Home Cleaning Service

House cleaning services can help you clean your home. But, know the facts that can help you get the best service for cleaning your home.

A yellow bucket with detergent in on the floor. The cleaning supplies and a mop are in a bucket

Home cleaning will take a long time, at times, to put off a horrible job, before no choice remains. But then the question is, where are you going to start? If your cleaning needs overwhelm you, if you don't have the time or if you think about it for a while and then get up on your nerve to hire a cleaner, then some stuff to think about before you make your decision. There's plenty to do.

Like any investment, an educated decision must be made before you immerse yourself. In terms of house cleaning services, there are many choices available.

You may choose to work directly with anyone, employ a skilled cleaner, or even use a home cleaning app to help you find cleaners in your area. Regardless of which choice you want to take, your questions will remain quite the same in advance. Before reserving a house cleaning service, here are the top five items you need to know:


The first thing you want to do is to create a budget that determines how much you want and/or should spend on professional cleaning.

These services appear to vary according to price, be they private contracts or agencies, or the cleaning services you need. These services vary in terms of price. Knowing how much you want to spend on the hire of a cleaner in your house will help reduce your choices.

Some services including house cleaning applications have advanced scheduling options for preparation. If you book a house cleaner in the future, you can spend money on it if needed, so that skilled cleaning services are offered more easily.

Instant as well as advanced bookings can be provided by Skep Home so that homeowners can incorporate cleaning services whenever they choose. With careful planning and scheduling, the use of a house cleaner can be inexpensive.

Offered Facilities

The next step is to assess which cleaning services are needed once you have agreed on your budget for the hiring of a cleaner. Depending on the house cleaner you select, the type of cleaning services offered. Before making a decision, you must know which cleaning services you plan to use or at least have a good idea.

Check the types of cleaning services offered in each choice and then compare them according to your needs.

Bear in mind that some cleaning services have several different cleaning packages, but extra charges may be needed for specific orders outside the regular service.


It is crucial to know how much time they are expecting the service when hiring a skilled house cleaner. Knowing the duration of your reservation clearly lets you control your expectations for the necessary cleaning tasks while at the same time simplifying the schedule for cleaning services.

Depending on the type of cleaning you need, there might be different service duration options as well.


It is always a good idea to ask about security protocols, particularly in your home, while trying a new service. You should tell any allergies or product sensitivities when hiring a cleaner during cleaning services that you have to make sure that they do not use them.

Questioning about cleaning products and supplies is also helpful as you can see whether their choices are too abrasive, may cause harm, or are known to affect someone in your household negatively. Before the cleaner arrives, it is important to discuss any other issues relevant to your safety during the provision of the service.

Clean the Room

One popular wrong idea is that you must organize your roommate and clean it up. You have to hire a skilled cleaner. However, before the booking time is set, the homeowner should decline his position so that the cleaner can reach every surface and travel easily in the room.

This involves putting loose sheets, toys for kids, placing dishes in their right cupboards and removing valuables that could break. You want to ensure that each room is structured so that the cleaning agent can concentrate on delivering productive cleaning tasks.

Call King’s Green Cleaning in Edmond, OK if you are looking for a credible house cleaning service. Call us to book your slot now.

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