Maid Service OKC Guest User Maid Service OKC Guest User

The Best Ways to Manage Your Cleaning Routine

Cropped image of beautiful young woman in protective gloves using a flat wet-mop while cleaning floor in the house.jpg

We're well aware of that, the majority of the time, you have your affairs in order. All of the work has been completed, the children are well behaved, and the house is tidy. In other cases you may find yourself in a bind, and the ball drops. Don't worry, we won't be evaluating your actions.

It's possible that the same-day house cleaning will come to your rescue when you're in a jam and need a solution. You can ask a maid service to get rid of these messes.

When you say, "I'll clean it up in the morning"

You've been there before. Yesterday, you tried your best to keep the house clean. But if you glance about, it's hard to tell. It appeared that the kids were following you around, causing havoc as you were cleaning it up.

There's no use in staying up late if you've had enough for the day! "I'll take care of it tomorrow." After you've woken up the next morning, life begins to happen. While sitting outside, the neighbors come over and say they're looking forward to dinner. Not even a trip to the grocery store has been made yet, let alone the time to clean up the art disaster that your insane children created in the living room.

So, what are you going to do now? Our maid service will solve the issue instantly. With our same-day cleaning service, your neighbors won't even know you've had a cleaning done.

Situation of the "Post-COVID Freelancer"

Beautiful Wednesday morning and you're working on a new project from the comfort of your own home. You're feeling accomplished and proud of yourself. Now that you've been freelancing since COVID-19 hit, your client list is growing steadily. Your skills in video marketing and networking are second to none. You now have the feeling of being a legitimate entrepreneur. It occurs to you, as you reach around to pat yourself on the back, to take a look around your "office."

When it comes to being self-employed, you may be focused and organized, but those qualities don't seem to translate well when it comes to housework. As a matter of fact, the entire home appears like an indoor dump, from the living room to the kitchen. Clothes everywhere, empty takeout containers, and even a dust bunny. There's no need to worry. Who is going to be able to tell the difference between the two?

They are a client you've been working for years. According to his schedule, he wishes to stop by your office. Tomorrow am is his preferred time. Suddenly, you begin to fear as you spin your chair around and take in the wreckage that is your office. You'll never be able to get the place ready because you've got so much to do. For the simple reason that calling The Kings' Cleaning in OKC can help you save face, please your client, and have the "office" you need. Before you know it, we'll be there.

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Vacation Rental Cleaning Guest User Vacation Rental Cleaning Guest User

Summer Home Cleaning Tips for Vacation

Young asian woman cleaning house Sweeping the floor with a mop House keeping concept

It's been a hot and humid summer, and you know you should clean the house, but you don't know where to begin. Fortunately, we've compiled a list of easy summer cleaning tips, so you won't have to worry about keeping up with your house. These simple summer home maintenance tips will keep your home running smoothly, your air conditioning running efficiently, and you relaxed on vacation without fear of returning to a mess. For your vacation, hiring rental cleaning service is an essential part.

This is also true if you are a party person who enjoys spending your summer days with your closest friends.

  • Clean out the refrigerator

Bacteria grow faster in hotter climates, including in the refrigerator. Clean out the refrigerator, rinsing the surfaces with gentle antibacterial soap and tossing out anything expired or moldy. This is especially important during fruit and vegetable season; invest in a food-grade cleaner to wash your produce and avoid any potentially harmful bacteria, such as salmonella.

  • Make the patio a fun place to hang out in the evenings

Patios are ideal for grilling and socializing with friends and relatives. Consider removing moss and lichen with a simple spray of bleach/water or soda crystals to make the patio a truly pleasant room. Both natural methods will destroy and dry the lichen, leaving you with the simple task of raking the patio clean and relaxing in your like-new outdoor room.

  • Empty the fridge

This cleaning activity will not only be beneficial, but it will also keep you cool! This is something to save for a really hot day. Fill the clean sink with all of the ice cubes. Take all of the frozen products and place them in the sink with ice to keep them cold while you clean out the freezer. With your car ice scraper and some hot water, remove the accumulated frost. Any slow-moving liquid spills should be cleaned up. Now it's time to look at the frozen foods. Throw away everything that shows signs of freezer burn, such as grayish-brown spots and dense frost layers. It's probably better to get rid of something that's available.

  • Make Sure the Garbage Disposal and Drains Are Clean

Food rots more rapidly in the hot summer months, and odors fester more easily. In the summer humidity, it's important to clean out your drain and garbage disposal to ensure that no food is trapped and creating foul odors. Pour baking soda followed by vinegar into your sink, let it bubble for five minutes, and then flush with boiling water to naturally clean it without putting your hands in the garbage disposal. Repeat as required, about every two weeks or so, to keep odors at bay.

  • Gummy Bears

Bubble gum is one of the most popular sticky messes you'll come across. Freezing and chipping bubble gum is the most convenient and least messy process. For smaller items, place it in the freezer for about an hour before gently scratching it with a butter knife. Water and dish soap should get the rest out without too much trouble.

  • Spills with Lemonade and Juice

Summer conjures up images of lemonade and juice boxes–as well as a lot of waste. Cleaning up stale summer messes like these sucrose drinks doesn't have to be difficult. Using a paper towel first, followed by a hot water microfiber towel. Make use of a paper towel. If you have a spill, rinse your wet clothes right away.

Many chairs now have alcohol stain microfiber upholstery, which makes cleaning a challenge. Using rubbing alcohol, spray the stain and wash it away with a smooth sponge. Since it evaporates faster than water, it leaves no trace. Is your tissue concerned about the effects of alcohol? Make a one-part fluid dishwashing solution by spraying a hydrogen peroxide solution in two sections, rubbing it in, and then washing it.

  • In the bathroom

During the summer months, the bathroom is subjected to rigorous training due to the presence of children at home and visitors. Add a few drops of your favorite essential oil to the inside of your toilet paper - when the roll is used, the odor is emitted.

For vacation rental cleaning see us here at Kings Green Cleaning. See us for residential, commercial and airbnb cleaning in OKC.

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