Learn Cleaning Techniques after a Positive COVID-19 Case
COVID-19 has severely impacted the lives of people all around the world. Some of them have shared tragic experiences whereas some of them fought bravely and have come back. In this difficult situation, it's important to keep your house clean following the COVID-19 safety protocols. It's even more important to keep your house safe and clean when one of your roommates or family members has contracted the COVID-19 virus. A proper home sanitizing service is required in this case. In order to keep your house clean, you can follow certain tips and techniques.
Proper Cleaning & Disinfecting
It's important for you to know the difference between cleaning and disinfecting. It's even more important if one of your family members is diagnosed with or recovering COVID-19. Proper Cleaning refers to cleaning with soap and water. This will help you reduce germs and dirt on the surfaces. On the other hand disinfecting means killing the germs for a permanent cause. It's important for you to clean and disinfect your house regularly. You can use chemicals to disinfect the surfaces.
Pay Attention to High-Touch Surfaces
We often forget to clean the doorknobs, windows, railings, computer desks, refrigerator doors, TV remotes and switches. They are considered as high-touch surfaces. These are the surfaces that come in contact with people on multiple occasions. We should pay attention in cleaning high-touch surfaces.
Wash Everything
Throw your clothes and bed sheets in the laundry. Bed sheets are filled with body fluids and should be washed immediately. If you have somebody in your house diagnosed with COVID-19, keep his/her items away from normal items. Maintain a fair distance while handing such items. If you find it difficult to handle these things, call home sanitizing services. They will perform all the tasks for you and make sure everything is clean and disinfected.
Do not forget to wear disposable gloves while handling bedding and clothing items of an infected person. You need to make sure you have separate trash cans for trash. Wash your hands properly after the cleaning activity is over. You need to wash your hands with soap for at least 20 seconds. In this way you will be able to avoid spreading germs.
Finally, contact a professional home sanitizing service if everything seems difficult for you. It's not possible for everyone to deep clean the house and disinfect the surfaces. Professionals are the best choice in this regard.
King's Green Cleaning should be the finest choice of yours when it comes to finding a home sanitizing service. We deal with trained and experienced staff who have a clear idea of COVID-19 safety protocols. We will make sure your house is clean and disinfected.
Advantages of Vacation Rental Cleaning
If you have an extra property that you can use as a place for vacationers, then it is very effective for your financial situation. To do that, you have to do everything you get. You should clean the place on a regular basis by a professional vacation rental cleaning service. This type of cleaning service is very essential in this field of business.
If you want to get maximum profit from the vacation rental, you have to get in and out of the guests very quickly. To do that you have to hire a professional vacation rental cleaning service. As they have the necessary and best cleaning equipment, cleaning supplies and work as a team, they are able to increase the turnover easily.
It is common sense that you have to take more guests in order to increase your net profit. You can skyrocket your income by hiring a vacation rental cleaning service and a vacation rental agent.
If you choose cleaning professionals, then you can get more reviews from the guests. The guests will appreciate the fact that you are giving importance to hygiene in this pandemic situation. Cleaning the property and giving a positive message to your customer. The more positive reviews you will get from the guests, the more they will come to your place on a regular basis. Keep in mind the reviews will work here as a unique form of marketing for your business.
If you or any other people do the cleaning work, then it may not be the highest standard of cleaning. But if you hire a professional vacation rental cleaning service, they can clean efficiently. They can manage to clean the mess in a short period of time. But keep in mind that you should check the services they offer before hiring a vacation rental cleaning service. Many cleaning services also provide plumbing services along with other services. You should check the list of tools they use, the average cleaning time and the terms that you have to agree.
Hire Cleaning Professionals
If you don’t have enough time to clean your house or office and it becomes very unhygienic, then it’s time you should hire a cleaning service. You can contact King's Green Cleaning to clean the places at an affordable budget.
Few Effective Move Out Cleaning Tips (Infographic)
When we are planning to move to another place, we consider various things like the size of the packing box, choosing a credible moving company, time etc. But remember that you cannot pack everything you have. According to safety rules, the moving company cannot move shower cleaners, dusters, trash bags, glass cleaners, etc. Don’t forget to inform the neighbors and your landlord about the new home address. Make sure to register your new address in the post office. Apart from that, you should also hire a move-out cleaning company in OKC so that they can clean your old house after you move out.
A Handful of Airbnb Cleaning Tips
So you've signed up as an Airbnb host, taken a ton of fantastic Airbnb images, and figured out how to make the most of Airbnb SEO. Congratulations on putting in the effort to obtain a listing! It's time to consider what will happen when your first satisfied customers leave. What methods do you use to keep your Airbnb clean? Do you hire any Airbnb cleaning service? It's preferable if you figure out your plan as soon as possible. After all, the sooner you tidy up your Airbnb listing, the sooner your next guests can arrive.
Cleaning Tips for Airbnb: Do It Yourself
Cleaning your property on your own can be the ideal option if you have a small Airbnb rental and only need to replace the bedding and towels. Cleaning your Airbnb should be straightforward as long as you keep up with it week after week. This method also saves money and allows you to maintain track of your listing.
Make a cleaning checklist for your Airbnb to ensure that you don't overlook anything while you're working.
Opening the windows is the first step in cleaning your residence. This will get rid of any scents left over from earlier visitors. Proper ventilation in your flat on a regular basis will help destroy microorganisms and maintain excellent air quality. Did you realize that the air inside your home is often more polluted than the air outside? Yikes!
Hunting for Dust
Dust can be found almost anywhere. Make a point of cleaning every nook and cranny you can. Cleaning in a ‘top-down' manner, beginning with the tallest corner or furniture and ending on the floor, will effectively remove the most dust particles.
There will be no garbage
This may sound self-evident, but you'd be amazed how often hosts overlook it. Remove trash from trash cans in the kitchen, bathroom, and rooms (and anywhere else there is a trash can) and disinfect them to eliminate odors.
Make the kitchen spotless
Cleaning the kitchen is essential, but many people overlook the refrigerator. Always remember to open the refrigerator, toss out the contents, and clean it. No one likes to enter the fridge in search of a fast bite only to find a week-old salad! Leaving tea bags inside the refrigerator to eliminate unpleasant odors is a simple way to get a nice smelling refrigerator.
As you can see, cleaning your Airbnb is no easy work, but if you do a fantastic job, you'll get rave feedback from your guests. If you're short on time, our stand-alone Airbnb cleaning service at King’s Green Cleaning Service can help you get your accommodation in tip-top shape for your next visitor!
Things You Need to Know About Mold Cleaning
Molds can be a problem for many people, regardless whether they are a couple of spots along your shower door or large outbreaks in the corners of your basement. Learn what molds are, if they are dangerous, and how to remove the mold from all the surfaces of your home or business. Before calling deep cleaning service, let us explore about mold.
Mold- What Is It?
Mold is a type of mold which grows on nearly every moist surface. In bathrooms, kitchens and cellars and all the properties where condensation is problematic, it isn't unusual that mold is found. The mold may vary from small, penny-size spots, to the whole wall and may be black, white, green, purple or orange. Unattended, as far as water and food is available to sustain it, the mold will continue to spread. It can therefore quickly get out of hand, especially in areas you don't use regularly, like the cellar or the shelter or even between the walls.
Properties of Mold
Mold and mildew require only two elements to grow: humidity and the source of food. This is usually organic material like cotton, leather or cellulose (found in wood and paper). These two elements are, unfortunately, very common in all types of properties. Everything in mold needs a little water that stays in the path of your shower door or condensation from a broken window seal. There's a lot of organic food to eat—frames, walls, floors, ceilings and home furnishings are all fair games. This means that the mold can grow almost anywhere, so that you are alert and can deal with it early so that damage to your home and health can minimize.
The wide range most people are afraid of is the black mold (stachybotrys), but even black mold can be removed if it is caught early enough. Black molds are the same as all other molds: white vinegar, hydrogen peroxide, fungicidal solutions and alcohol will kill them all. Although certain websites advise the use of essential oils to remove the black mold, do not do so. The essential oils may freshness and cleanness of your room, but they cannot kill mold.
When a black mold removal cost becomes expensive quickly when an infestation is removed. You should always treat the mold as quickly as possible in your property when you see it.
However, most of the molds (and hundreds of thousands are present) are benign, or only cause mild allergic reactions like sneezing, coughing and lower-level irritation. It can nevertheless be difficult to tell which mold you have or how it might affect you or your tenants. It is always wise to remove all mold or mildew as quickly as possible in order to reduce exposure and limit responsibility when someone in the property is sick.
Address the underlying mold cause
There are molds about us all — every day we breathe in their spores. Mold cannot be prevented from entering any property, however steps can be taken to prevent it from finding a new home in your house. It will only come back if it does not deal with the underlying reason why mold grows in a certain area.
Molds need only two things – nourishment and dampness. You cannot remove the needs for the food mold from your house, because it's your property. Particle panel, gypsum, wood and soft furniture can all nurture the large colonies. They can support large molds. However, it's damp that you can control. Look for the underlying water source when mold is discovered.
Water can cause problem mold growth in three main ways:
Maintenance problems such as the leakage of piping or failed window screws
Human error, not to dry water or sprinkle water around a sink in the doorway
Construction problems usually related to ongoing problems with condensation caused by poor airflow
The first two can be solved easily. Simply repair the problem or make your habits more aware of the splashing and pooling of water. If mold grows due to the building of your property, further intervention may be needed. The problem could be solved by installing fans or winds, replacing portable heaters or investing in a dehumidifier.
Call King’s Green Cleaning in the first place when you consider calling deep cleaning service in OKC. Visit our website to learn more about our services.