Few Interesting Cleaning Tricks for Busy People
Nowadays we are all very busy due to our office work and busy lifestyle. Due to this hectic schedule, we are not able to clean our beautiful house every day or the way you should. But if we ignore the cleaning for a prolonged period, it is not hygienic for us. We may suffer from various diseases because we live in dirty houses. Therefore, considering our busy lifestyle, we have shared a few house cleaning tricks so that you can clean your house hassle-freely and save yourself and your beloved family from dangerous diseases.
Few Cleaning Tips for a Clean House
Ensure to Clean Every Day
If you clean your house every day bit by bit, then you have less work to do on weekends. Therefore, you can take a rest on the weekends and enjoy your free time which encourages you to do better work both in the office and at home. You can split the cleaning work into two ways. One way is that you can clean one room each day from top to bottom. Another option is that you can do a single task (vacuuming one day, mopping another day) for every room for every day. The cleaning work becomes interesting and effortless to you in this way.
Keep the Cleaning Products in the Bathroom or Kitchen
You should always keep the cleaning products within your reach. It will help you save the time that you may waste on searching the equipment and get tired already.. But if the cleaning products are kept in the bathroom or kitchen and right at your access, then you can do the work whenever you are free or think it is suitable.
Do the Micro Clean in Your Free Time
Whenever you get free time, you can do small cleaning work quickly and it is a wonderful house cleaning trick among all. For instance, if you get free time, you can wash the dishes or mop the kitchen room quickly. You have to do a single task in a little time. Therefore, you do not have to do cleaning for a longer period of time and get bored or exhausted..
Book an Appointment
If you do not have enough time to clean your house or your office, then you can hire a house cleaning staff of King’s Green Cleaning. They will provide various services including house cleaning, office cleaning, vacation rental cleaning and covid-19 services in OKC.
How Does Deep Cleaning Differ from Regular One?
You will have to go on a tour of your home to decide if you need regular cleaning or deep cleaning. Look all over – in corners, beneath the sink, in the oven, at windows, etc. If you welcome the overall cleanliness of your home but need some help to keep your home clean, then you are welcome to use regular cleaning. However, if you find grease accumulation, cobwebs and lots of grime or dirt in the corners, then it's time to hire deep cleaning services.
Here is what each service can expect
Cleaning services on a regular basis
The cleaning process is done on a regular basis on a weekly basis or is done every few weeks or monthly by a professional cleaner. Regular residential cleaning is designed to keep your home beautiful, comfortable and healthy. Often cleaning services such as:
Standard rooms for cleaning (dormitory bedrooms, living rooms, kitchens, bathrooms)
Open areas to sweep and vacuum
Remove surfaces that are exposed
Services exposed to dusting
You may want to hire a professionally-based cleaning service for regular cleaning jobs if you are careful to keep your home clean but need some more help. Regular cleaning is normally provided once a week or several times a month, depending on the size and needs of your home. Regular cleaning is also cheaper than you would have thought. Contact multiple cleaning services for price comparison.
Deep Cleaning Service
A deep, however, is ideal for those who have not cleaned their homes in a while and must refresh before starting a regular treatment. Deep cleaning covers areas that do not usually fall within the scope of standard cleaning. These comprise:
Here there are large appliances for the kitchen (machine for washing, oven and fridge) (kitchen and bathrooms)
Indoor oven (including the glass door)
Windows and courtyard doors inside
In and out of the windows with blinds
Full dusting of the hidden and corners
De-scalable tiles, taps, hairdryers, heads of shower etc.
Foundation and attic (talk to your cleaning professional about this)
In special circumstances, you might also like to consider a deep cleaning service. Cleaning for special events and cleaning of the spring, moving into or moving out, are all good cases for deep cleaning.
Get the Cleanliness You Need
You can now decide what's right for your home if you understand the differences between an accessible regular cleaning service and a deep cleaning. Give a call to your trusted cleaning service in Oklahoma when in doubt. Describe your home state and you can suggest the best service for you. Ask us at King’s Green Cleaning.
Why Maid Service Is an Important Solution for A Workplace?
If you run a business and maintain an office, then you may need an office cleaning service often. We all know that cleanliness is next to godliness. It should be your responsibility to maintain hygiene in the office because many people work there. Therefore, it is your responsibility to think about the health and satisfaction of your employees. If you hire a maid service in your office weekly or monthly, it can bring many advantages to your professional workplace.
Here, we have shared a few facts about why you should hire a maid service for your workplace.
Fewer Sick Leaves
Many employees work together in the workplace and they may suffer from the disease easily as the virus and germs can spread rapidly. If they take seek leaves frequently due to an unhygienic workplace, it is harmful to your business and affects it from production level to sales level.
If you hire a maid service to your office on a weekly basis, the employees will not suffer from disease frequently and increase the business rapidly.
Increase the Productivity Rate
When the employees notice that the company cares about their wellbeing, they work better. If you call a professional cleaning service to clean your office frequently, then the employees do not worry about their safety and the dirty environment, therefore they can focus on their work. If you are a company owner, you should not ignore these facts.
Save Unnecessary Cost
If you clean your office frequently, then the various furniture, equipment, and carpets can last for many years. Also, you may not need to repair the items often and it can save you precious money and time at a comparatively lower cost.
Increase Enthusiasm and Moral
If the employees feel proud about their workplace, then it can affect their morality and enthusiasm. When employees can see that their workplace is well maintained and hygienic, they feel good about the environment and they become more enthusiastic and stay moral to their company. Therefore, you should hire a maid service to clean your office and provide assurance of hygiene to the employees.
Book Now
If you want to clean your office and maintain hygiene and safety against disease as much as possible and increase productivity, then contact King’s Green Cleaning. They provide various services including house cleaning, office cleaning, vacation rental cleaning and covid-19 services in Edmond ok at affordable prices.
Summer Home Cleaning Tips for Vacation
It's been a hot and humid summer, and you know you should clean the house, but you don't know where to begin. Fortunately, we've compiled a list of easy summer cleaning tips, so you won't have to worry about keeping up with your house. These simple summer home maintenance tips will keep your home running smoothly, your air conditioning running efficiently, and you relaxed on vacation without fear of returning to a mess. For your vacation, hiring rental cleaning service is an essential part.
This is also true if you are a party person who enjoys spending your summer days with your closest friends.
Clean out the refrigerator
Bacteria grow faster in hotter climates, including in the refrigerator. Clean out the refrigerator, rinsing the surfaces with gentle antibacterial soap and tossing out anything expired or moldy. This is especially important during fruit and vegetable season; invest in a food-grade cleaner to wash your produce and avoid any potentially harmful bacteria, such as salmonella.
Make the patio a fun place to hang out in the evenings
Patios are ideal for grilling and socializing with friends and relatives. Consider removing moss and lichen with a simple spray of bleach/water or soda crystals to make the patio a truly pleasant room. Both natural methods will destroy and dry the lichen, leaving you with the simple task of raking the patio clean and relaxing in your like-new outdoor room.
Empty the fridge
This cleaning activity will not only be beneficial, but it will also keep you cool! This is something to save for a really hot day. Fill the clean sink with all of the ice cubes. Take all of the frozen products and place them in the sink with ice to keep them cold while you clean out the freezer. With your car ice scraper and some hot water, remove the accumulated frost. Any slow-moving liquid spills should be cleaned up. Now it's time to look at the frozen foods. Throw away everything that shows signs of freezer burn, such as grayish-brown spots and dense frost layers. It's probably better to get rid of something that's available.
Make Sure the Garbage Disposal and Drains Are Clean
Food rots more rapidly in the hot summer months, and odors fester more easily. In the summer humidity, it's important to clean out your drain and garbage disposal to ensure that no food is trapped and creating foul odors. Pour baking soda followed by vinegar into your sink, let it bubble for five minutes, and then flush with boiling water to naturally clean it without putting your hands in the garbage disposal. Repeat as required, about every two weeks or so, to keep odors at bay.
Gummy Bears
Bubble gum is one of the most popular sticky messes you'll come across. Freezing and chipping bubble gum is the most convenient and least messy process. For smaller items, place it in the freezer for about an hour before gently scratching it with a butter knife. Water and dish soap should get the rest out without too much trouble.
Spills with Lemonade and Juice
Summer conjures up images of lemonade and juice boxes–as well as a lot of waste. Cleaning up stale summer messes like these sucrose drinks doesn't have to be difficult. Using a paper towel first, followed by a hot water microfiber towel. Make use of a paper towel. If you have a spill, rinse your wet clothes right away.
Many chairs now have alcohol stain microfiber upholstery, which makes cleaning a challenge. Using rubbing alcohol, spray the stain and wash it away with a smooth sponge. Since it evaporates faster than water, it leaves no trace. Is your tissue concerned about the effects of alcohol? Make a one-part fluid dishwashing solution by spraying a hydrogen peroxide solution in two sections, rubbing it in, and then washing it.
In the bathroom
During the summer months, the bathroom is subjected to rigorous training due to the presence of children at home and visitors. Add a few drops of your favorite essential oil to the inside of your toilet paper - when the roll is used, the odor is emitted.
For vacation rental cleaning see us here at Kings Green Cleaning. See us for residential, commercial and airbnb cleaning in OKC.
Room Cleaning after Renovation
Often the owners who rent down airbnb rooms make sure to renovate the rooms after certain period of time. But they have to make sure that the room is well cleaned after the renovation and before new guests arrive. See this article here to learn more on airbnb cleaning service.
Post renovation cleaning
You should know that the post renovation cleaning is tougher than regular cleaning. Due to the work type, there should be debris, junk and more around the room. The floors will have dust layers and the room does not look and feel fresh at all. Moreover, after a renovation there should be dust piled up in the room corners. Therefore, you should hire someone with cleaning expertise and who knows the job better. To clean up a space after renovation or construction, there are a lot of technical aspects that only a professional knows. Moreover, they are equipped with high-end tools for deep cleaning.
Dust in the air is one of the biggest hazards after renovation. If the air is not filtered it can make the next guests uncomfortable. Gradually dust will start to settle down on the surface, the furniture and everywhere in the room creating an unhealthy atmosphere.
Air vents/filters:
Through the air vents and filters dust will reach to the other areas of a building where no renovation has happened. It may also block the vents and damage the HVAC system installed. The cleaners carefully wipe the surfaces, the filters, vents that were probably exposed to dust.
Another common area that needs deep cleaning is the flooring. Remember our earth has gravity. Dust and debris fall on the surface and pipe up. Often there happens to be a layer of dust and only brushing and mopping cannot remove them all. It needs extra time and effort.
The other areas that need your attention for cleaning are windows, picture frame, furniture, lights and lamps, appliances, walls, garbage, blinds, bedding and everything else in the room.
Benefits of Hiring Professionals
Once you hire professionals for airbnb cleaning service it takes more time as they put more effort to the room. They are equipped with advanced technique, tools, cleaning agents, chemicals and more. Traditional cleaning process does not work for post renovation clean up sessions. The cleaning companies hire people with specialization in the respective field.
See us here at King’s Green Cleaning in OKC. Tell us about your cleaning schedule and requirement. Follow us for commercial and residential cleaning.