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Disinfecting a Mattress – All About It

To many people, one of life's greatest pleasures is a restful night's sleep. Getting seven to nine hours of quality sleep each night is one of the best ways to recharge one's batteries and feel more energized. Your mattress is the first step toward a restful night's sleep (yes, the right pillow is important too). It's not enough for your mattress to feel good; you must also be comfortable with it. A mattress that hasn't been cleaned or sterilized in a long time can lead to a few sleepless nights. Fortunately, sanitizing a used mattress is a simple process, so you don't have to stress about bedbugs or bacteria before you go to sleep. You need to call professionals for home sanitizing services.

Disinfecting Your Mattress Is Necessary

The simple fact that you've been sleeping on the same mattress for a long time is enough to warrant a thorough cleaning and sanitization. While your mattress may appear clean, there are many things lurking beneath the surface that you can't see.

  • Microorganisms and irritants

  • Dust mites

  • Germs

  • Decomposed skin cells

  • Human and animal hair

  • The traces of sweat and saliva on the skin

How to Make a Mattress Sanitized

For the best results, pay attention to how often you've washed or sterilized your present mattress and how often you do it now. Are you happy with a mild cleaning or are you ready to get your hands dirty? From basic mattress cleaning to a complete deep clean, we've compiled a list of suggestions for you.

  • Perform a Mattress Vacuuming

Dust, dead skin, and hair can be removed with an upholstery attachment on your vacuum once your blankets and sheets have been removed. Cleaning your mattress this way won't kill any bacteria, but it will allow you to check for stains or other changes in appearance that require a more thorough cleaning.

  • Your Mattress Needs a Steam Clean

An effective method for disinfecting your mattress is to use a steam cleaner. Consider getting or renting a machine equipped with a steam wand so that you may clean your mattress down to the seams and crevices. Streaming your mattress on a bright day is ideal because the sun will assist speed up the drying process. Outside or in front of an open window are good options for putting the mattress. Keeping a fan on will help keep the space fresh and free of musty aromas.

  • A Powerful Disinfectant and Stain Remover

A hydrogen peroxide solution can be extremely helpful in the removal of urine, perspiration, and blood stains from your mattress.

  • Get Rid of the Odor

It's time to make sure your mattress is completely odor-free, which means getting rid of all traces of urine, sweat, blood, and even cleaning agents. Fortunately, it is also the simplest. Sprinkle baking soda over the damaged parts of your mattress and allow it to settle for a few seconds. Don't cut corners; the damaged area may require the entire box. Ideally, you should wait a few days before vacuuming up the baking soda.

Try a professional home sanitizing services like, King’s Green Cleaning, if your mattress has a tenacious stench that simply won't go away.

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Deep Cleaning Service Guest User Deep Cleaning Service Guest User

Learn How to Remove Water Stains from Wooden Furniture

It’s a common scenario for every home to start clean-ups after a great family get-together is over. During this time, you might see a white stain in your wooden furniture. You might be thinking you can actually pull it off. But you will not eventually. This white stain is often seen as a water ring. It will frustrate you as it’s pretty difficult to get rid of such stains. Are you thinking of a deep cleaning service? Then you’re on the right track. Read this article thoroughly to learn how you can remove water stains from your wooden furniture.

What Causes Water Stain?

When you’re able to see water stains in your wooden furniture, it’s probably because moisture has trapped within. Here are a few cleaning tips to follow:

  • Use Heat to Remove Water Stains

When the water stain in your furniture is new, you can evaporate the stain before you remove it permanently. In order to perform this trick, cover the stain area with cotton and apply iron to heat the spot. The stain will evaporate slowly. Once it’s gone, polish the spot to make it shine.

  • Use Mayonnaise & Vinegar to Remove Stains

Make a good mixture of mayonnaise and vinegar and dab the mixture on the stain. Give it some time until it sits. Later use a clean cloth and wipe it away. Don’t forget to polish the furniture at the end.

  • Mineral Oil

You can use mineral oil to remove water stains from your wooden furniture. In order to do so, apply the oil in the spot and let it sit for some time. Later, I cleaned the spot with the help of soft cloth the next day.

Old water stains are comparatively more challenging than the newer stains. They are hard to get away from. If you want to make sure your wooden furniture looks okay, call a professional deep cleaning service.

King’s Green Cleaning offers high quality and eco-friendly house cleaning services for both residential and commercial properties. Visit our official page or give us a call to learn more about our services.

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House Cleaning OKC Guest User House Cleaning OKC Guest User

How Rewarding Your Professional Cleaners Can Be- 5 Ways

In the United States, the average household spends six hours a week cleaning and organizing. Cleanup is all that's left after all that effort.

Has folding towels and vacuuming ever made you feel like you're in a rut? It may be time to hand the reins over to a new person.

On top of that, we're all busier than ever before, with a never-ending list of work, family, and social commitments. Because of this, it is hard to find time for yourself, much less time to keep your house clean. What is the point of spending all of your time cleaning the house when you can simply hire a professional house cleaning service?

Based on the size of your home, the cost of hiring the best house cleaners can range from $120 to $300 per week. A professional cleaning service might save you money, time and stress in the long run, even if this seems like a lot at first.

In case you're still undecided, here are some benefits of hiring a house cleaning service.

  • Cleaning to the Core

When you hire a house cleaning service, you can rest assured that your home will receive the care and attention it needs. Deep cleaning services are provided by professional cleaners.

They'll clean the most difficult-to-reach areas, such as the windows. For example, they will descale faucets and windows, remove cobwebs, wipe celling blades, remove stains on the carpet, sanitize garbage cans, and other services.

Every area of your home will be cleaned and disinfected by them. They'll take care of everything in your bathroom and kitchen, including the trash. In a home, these are the most important areas. It's a good idea to thoroughly clean them before using them.

  • Fast and Efficient Cleaning

When you need your house cleaned in a matter of hours, hiring a professional cleaner is the best option. If you decide to do a thorough cleaning of your entire house, be prepared to spend the better part of the day doing it.

Hire a house cleaning service to free up your time. They improve in efficiency over time and will have your house in tip-top shape in no time at all. You'll have more time to focus on other projects and be more productive because you won't have to worry about your house.

Most cleaning companies use a tried-and-true system that includes a checklist to make certain that no detail is overlooked during the cleaning process. This makes it easier for them to clean your house thoroughly without overlooking any areas.

  • Boosting Energy and Reducing Fatigue

Cleanup can be exhausting, especially if you do it after a long day of work or school. In the event that this is your only day off, you may feel pressured to get things done quickly. As a result, you may be willing to overlook some important aspects of your life in order to make time for something you enjoy.

Spend time with your loved ones instead of cleaning if you're spending a lot of time doing so. In addition, you devote time to your interests. In addition to reducing stress, a clean house provides a sense of calm.

  • Better Returns on Your Money

Paying for a cleaning service might appear to be a waste of money. However, if you take into account all of the advantages, you will see that it provides a better savings and return. If so, you would like to know why.

Using a cleaner will extend the life of various household items. Carpets, rugs, and furniture will last longer if they are cleaned regularly, which is why it is important to do so.

A professional cleaner's expertise also includes the ability to safely remove stains from delicate surfaces such as window blinds, granite countertops, and carpets.

  • Preventing the Mold Growth

Molds can thrive in a home that isn't properly cleaned. Fungus thrives in moist environments, and bathrooms are no exception.

To ensure that your bathroom is always clean and mold-free, you should hire a professional cleaner. Your home will be thoroughly sanitized, leaving no room for the pests to thrive.

  • An Improved Quality of Life

When living with people who are susceptible to respiratory disease, a clean home is essential. Stuffy air can make the elderly and children more vulnerable to illness.

Maintain the health of your loved ones by providing them with fresh air that won't wreak havoc on their already fragile immune systems.

You may not be able to do all of the chores, especially if you're raising children or working a full-time job. As a result, you are unlikely to be able to thoroughly clean your home on a regular basis.

To ensure that you and your loved one are safe, hire a professional cleaner to get rid of all the dust and dirt in your home.

King’s Green Cleaning, located in Oklahoma; has been serving the customers with a flawless cleaning service for long. Give us a chance and we assure you the best service.

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Infographics Guest User Infographics Guest User

Why Should You Choose Home Sanitizing Services? (Infographic)

Due to this pandemic situation, we are well aware of the importance of cleanliness and sanitation. We have to clean and sanitize our houses, offices to prevent this disease from spreading. Apart from that, if you are running a business like hotels, then you have to clean the premises. Otherwise, the customers do not review it well. You can clean your own house by yourself but hiring professional cleaners can save your precious time. As the hotel owners charge cleaning fees from their guests, therefore, they can also afford this service very easily. The cleaning service does not only clean the place but also informs you if there is any type of damage there. You can also customize the service plans when hiring home sanitizing services.

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Airbnb Cleaning Service Guest User Airbnb Cleaning Service Guest User

How Frequently Should You Wash Bed Sheets?

Each night, the average person slumbers for between seven and nine minutes. This equates to a minimum of 49 hours per week spent in your bed. All of this grime accumulates on the sheets, both at night and during the day. Cleaning your sheets on a regular basis is the best way to keep them from accumulating an excessive amount of these harmful elements. When you are running a rented airbnb house, you must hire airbnb cleaning service for house cleaning.

However, How Often Should You Be Changing Your Sheets?

If not, continue reading. In this article, we'll explain just how often you should change your sheets, and what happens if you don't.

The Appropriate Amount of Time between Sheet Changes

Once a week, you should change your sheets if you sleep in the same bed every night. You can wash your bed sheets every two weeks if you don't use your bed every night. Your sheets should be changed once every two weeks at the most.

Depending on the situation, you may need to wash your bed linens more frequently. People who keep pets in their beds might need to wash their bedding every 3 to 4 days.

Individuals with allergies or asthma should wash their hands more frequently. Your problems may be alleviated if you wash your sheets more frequently.

Summer is a good time to wash your sheets more frequently. As the weather gets warmer, people produce more perspiration and oil, which gets deposited on our sheets. To keep everything fresh, you will need to clean the sheets more frequently.

Washing Comforters and Other Bedding on a Regular Basis

You may be able to forego the once-a-week cleaning of other pieces of your bed set. For each stage of the project, you should adhere to a different timetable.

  • Pillow cases - once a week

  • Washable pillows – every 4 to 6 months

  • Blankets – every 2 to 3 months

  • Covers for duvets – every two to four weeks to a month

  • Comforters - every 2 to 3 months

There may be varying care instructions depending on the maker of the bedding. There might be particular washing directions on the packaging or tag if you can find them. Some items are delicate and need to be handled with extra care.

You should also wash your mattress on a regular basis, in addition to the other bedding items. Every 6 months is a good time to do this. You can increase the life of your mattress and keep your bedding from becoming soiled more quickly if you regularly clean it.

Your bedding is likely to become soiled as soon as you place it on your bed if your mattress has a bad scent. Keeping your mattress clean and healthy is easy if you wash it regularly. The mattress may need to be replaced after six to eight years. As such, if your mattress isn't keeping clean or feels worn out, it might be time to invest in a new one.

If Not Changed

It may seem like a lot of work to wash the bedding once a week, but it's worth it. Dust mites and other allergens can build up on your linens as you sleep. These things aggravate and grow during the day.

These may not cause harm after a few days. When these chemicals are around for a week, they become too much for us to handle. The most worrisome component of the puzzle is dust mites. These microscopic animals are a common occurrence. Skin rashes and irritation can be caused by them, despite the fact that they don't bite.

It's possible that these mites are causing you to have an allergic reaction. Dust mites reproduce quickly and can survive solely on the decomposition of dead skin cells. At this time, your mattress and linens are likely infested with thousands, if not hundreds of thousands, of parasitic parasites.

You probably don't want to share a bed with them, even if they aren't allergic. In doing so, you'll be able to rid yourself of the creatures and reclaim your bed.

Cleaning Bedsheets

You must first read the product's label thoroughly before you begin using the product. There is a great deal of this information on the sheet tags themselves. In some cases, this information can be found on the packaging itself.

The product's information may be available online if you don't have the original package. Enter the name of the company and type of sheets that you have. For the convenience of their customers, most companies provide online instructions for washing and drying their products.

You should wash your bedding in the hottest water permitted per the label. In order to get rid of all the germs on the bedding, you should use hot water. Cotton sheets, on the other hand, may be washed in hot water, whilst other materials require warm water.

Using a light detergent and a double rinse, wash the bedding in a machine. In order to get rid of any traces of detergent, it is best to wash the sheets twice. Consider using natural cleaning products if you can.

Finally, dry the sheets in a low-temperature tumble dryer. Hanging them to dry is another option.

You may wish to buy more than one sheet set because this process can take a few hours. If you have a spare set or two, you may quickly remove the old set and put on the new one. Then, you'll be able to do the laundry when it's most convenient.

Hire a Service to Do the Dirty Work for You

A professional airbnb cleaning service may be needed if you can't keep track of how often to replace your bed linens. Remembering when to put each bed piece set may be too much work, especially if you have a lot of other things on your plate.

Our crew can help you maintain your house clean if you switch to Kings Green Cleaning. Let us know how we can help you.

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